Hello there which linux is this?

And which linux would you recommend for programming and gaming etc?

>Hello there which linux is this?
Don't have a clue from that tiny thumbnail. It's definitely all skinned-out, which is possible to do in any distribution of Linux.

>And which linux would you recommend for programming and gaming etc?
It all depends on your system, how much time you're willing to spend getting it to run, how fast you want it to run, your experience with linux and/or computers, etc. It's also not a bad idea to try out some LiveCDs first, as these are CDs that allow you to boot the operating system off the disc and test it out without actually installing it.

If you search the forums you'll find many topics regarding this question ("linux distro" or "type of linux" should suffice).

I think the thumb has the Ubuntu logo in the top-left corner, but it's very difficult to make out. And for gaming, I seem to recall there being a distro that was very WINE-centric (e.g. to help with gaming) but I can't remember what it was called...

And for gaming, I seem to recall there being a distro that was very WINE-centric (e.g. to help with gaming) but I can't remember what it was called...

Dreamlinux? Anyway, it's not going to be that hard to find a distro that runs WINE or Cedega well.

Found this interesting "Ask Slashdot":

Seems like Gentoo's the favorite for native gaming, what with Portage and all that.

Its ubuntu.

Debian is the best IMHO for programmers.

>Debian is the best IMHO for programmers.
Care to explain why?

In my experience Slackware and Debian are what is used mainly by programmers as:

A: Stable (my other choice would have been slack but i deicided against for the other reasons below)

B: Large software repository available with recent, but stable software

C: Easy to install and maintain

D: Easiesy distro IMHO to set up a LAMP server on

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