I read a column on Mashable where the question of what makes a quality tweet. The author contended that 40% of tweets are mindless babble (can't say that I disagree). The author then identified four types of tweets that he felt make for quality tweets. The four types are: informative, personal, humorous and inspiring. Again, I cannot say that I disagree. What does everyone else think?

I agree, also something that can create personal touch..

I agree, also something that can create personal touch..

As with blogs, anytime you can relate personal experiences to business perspectives it helps to humanize your content. A friend of mine works for a company that was trying to sell a solution to a prospect. The prospect was given very thorough presentations regarding the capabilities of the technology and the experience of the company staff. The prospect was on the fence until they found a blog post from the president of the company where he discussed working with another client in the same vertical as the prospect and his personal involvement in the process. The prospect was impressed with the personal nature of the blog post and was sold on working with my friends company because he had the sense that they could really relate to his concerns.

I agree. Self promoting tweets and blogs are a major turn off. I wonder what would be the conversion rates for each of these types of tweets.

I agree. Self promoting tweets and blogs are a major turn off. I wonder what would be the conversion rates for each of these types of tweets.

I am sure that someone is already working on a way to determine that or are putting together a survey asking people to keep track and report back.

As with blogs, anytime you can relate personal experiences to business perspectives it helps to humanize your content. A friend of mine works for a company that was trying to sell a solution to a prospect. The prospect was given very thorough presentations regarding the capabilities of the technology and the experience of the company staff. The prospect was on the fence until they found a blog post from the president of the company where he discussed working with another client in the same vertical as the prospect and his personal involvement in the process. The prospect was impressed with the personal nature of the blog post and was sold on working with my friends company because he had the sense that they could really relate to his concerns.

I appreciate your insight about humanizing the content, thanks. : )

I appreciate your insight about humanizing the content, thanks. : )

No problem. It is funny but my biggest challenge right now is getting one of my clients to write content for his companies website and their blog using what I refer to as "his own voice". Right now their website is just regurgitated content from the maker of one of the products they sell and it does not ring true.

Large companies can afford to be more formal but smaller companies would benefit from coming across as more human.

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