I have tried everything. I went with phpbb over the vb, just because of server issues. I use SEO, feeds, have exchanged posts with other boards, have filed out the Google info for Webmasters, submitted the url, handed out flyers locally, etc.... and yet I can't seem to build any more memberships? I'm on a tight budget, so any ideas that are free, or cheap would be appreciated. Thanks!


Building a community takes time. I have tried to create a few and I realized that your site needs to be fostering some element that members want to come back and participate.

I am sure ONLINE marketing will give you more sales to the memberships. What you can do is, You can be active on Twitter & Facebook and gather more followers/friends, post about your programme (Leave your website link) - That will give more visitors to your site.

As well as you can participate in relevant message boards, forums and groups online. This will help you to get more visitors. Also, you can write articles about your programme and submit to many popular article direcotires, that will help you to get more visitors to your sites as well as sales.

For all these, you should spend a lot of time, I don't think that you have to spend more money for this as far as you can do it by yourself.

I agree. Article submissions about your site is a good way - you just have to make sure that the content for each article is fresh and that you dont just copy and paste. Goodle will actually penalize replications.

No , you do not need to spend anymore for marketing. Might be you have not used the right techniques for the marketing. Article submission and Press releases can definitely help you in this. With this you can also use social media networks like facebook and Twitter, join online groups and communities for promotion of your site. And most important you can create blogs for your site and keep updating with good and interesting content and share it on social media sites. I am sure you will soon get a number of subscribers in your site.

Hi I have been a part of this community for longer than I can remember and of all the things that I have learned is that it takes time to build and community and hard work to maintain it. I remember when Daniweb was less than 30,000 members but she stick with it and you can see the result.

I am trying to say that you don't need to spend over the top yes there are more competition but you just have to work harder and smarter and be patient.

And if you think you have done it all just wait.

I think yo can offer some free valuable things.

And you can increase your site by joining social networks.

make a promotions, join some social networking sites and post with forums can help you.

Yea, i agree with the comments above. I think being active socially is the best and cheapest way to get more members and visitors. Twitter/facebook are great ways to do such. Even a blog as well to gain interest for your site.

You can get the use of social media, It will provides more exposure to your site and will provide more traffic too.

I think you have to do all that you have done once again, again and again:) Also you need a patience and purposefulness. Promo-action requires some time, and for diff purposes it need diff amount of time. So, I guess you dont have to give up so easely right now, it is just a begining! If you are not sure that you can handle it, that the problem is in you and your methods, but your webproject is very impoirtant to you then dont cheap with it and hire a good SEO-master who will do everything instead of you qualitatively and in shortest terms. That's what I think.
Best of luck!

Interacting regularly to any social networking sites can be a big help on promoting your site. you can also submit your site to free directory list to help increase traffic to your site. blog commenting and forum posting also provides backlinks to your site but it only takes time to see the result of your efforts.

you may have to make strong network relationships with your targeted audience and let them know of your site and try to make it user-friendly

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