I have a highly visible Subscribe Form and several other links to my Newsletter Subscribe form on my website, but people always prefer to 'subscribe' using the 'wp_???' (I forget the HTML code they use) subscribe method which adds them to my site's Users list, but not my Subscribe Form List.

So I add them manually to my Subscribe Form List of Subscribers (Mailchimp) and send out emails, but no one ever opens them. Maybe one out of my 70 subscribers who have 'subscribed' this way.

Question 1: Why do people prefer to become Users, not Subscribers? What is 'in it' for them?

Question 2: Why don't they open my Newsletter emails, when they went to the trouble of becoming Users?

By the way: I know I don't have a freebie give-away to get more Subscribers via my form yet, but I'd like to know why these people even bother to become Users if they arene't interested in opening my emails.


Well for question 1.... users and subscribers can be the same, but that'll vary on what they are recieving... are subscribers recieving special notifications and are users getting more capabilities to use your site....

Question 2 has a interesting answer... It'll vary on why the registered as users... really that is just up to do people uses your site (maybe they liked something that was featured for users and maybe your site features the same features for users and subscribers). Another solution on why they don't open your emails is that they could've placed your emails in spam or they are bots (mostly likely not bots)...

I hope this information helped!
If you have more questions... ask away!

As far as I know, there are no advertised (or other) benefits to being a User on my site. My settings are

  • Anyone can register, and
  • New User Default Role is Subscribers

so no extra privileges that I know of. And they only get my Newsletter because I go to the trouble of adding them manually to my Newsletter List.

I do that because they have bothered to 'subscribe' although not via my automated (very beautiful and classy) Form - and no one is signing up via my Form :).

And if they do want to be a Subscriber - which does offer my fantastic Newletter :) - why the whatever's don't they ever open them???

If they register as a User, do they automatically get notified about New Posts? In other words, is becoming a User the equivalent of signing up to my RSS feed?

If that is so, I will feel better about them, and forgive their lack-of-opening-emails track record.

A great topic, I'm also following A/B tests for email advertising last 2 weeks. I guess people are bored with emails from sales companies. People who are interested in with the even registration, when added to the emailing list, don't read the email that may be answer for his questions.

I'm also conducting ppc marketing and know remarketing dynamics. Users are only interested with the search product if they really need. Even they really need, they are looking for an opportunity.

So we need to think do the subscriber need our service/product each time we inform them about news. We need to aware off their personel choices in daily life, how often they need us. We may send emails in parts according to their registration period, the same time for last years data for example. We may send reminder and ask them if they are still searching for same kind of product.

We may corporate with another company to send them a small quiz.

Actually I'm updating my route according to the replies and I'm following the logs comes to site, by observing bounce rate, visited pages, we may understand why they don't act.

Now I will try short emails with short subjects. I will follow this topic if you have some clues for email marketers.


Subject line is usually the key to whether people open your email or not. Short, interesting, accurate descrip of contents, not too salesy, intriguing are all considerations.

I've learned a lot since my first post on this thread!

I now have Commentluv installed which gives link back options for Commenters who have Registered with me.

But the big breakthrough was installing the sS2Member plugin http://www.s2member.com/2957.html which allows you to link up and integrate your Registered users into your Auto responder Subscriber List.

It also 'secures' your website for Commercial payments via Paypal, Clickbank and others,and lots more options for Membership sites, or 'hidden' content for Paying Users.

Having Commentluv plus S2Member plugin really has made a big difference to my numbers of Registered Users AND subscribers.

I have recently written a ‘How To’ article explaining how to setup S2Member Plugin and integrate your Registered Users and Subscribers into your Autoresponder Email List. I use MailChimp integration as the example in this article, but the S2Member plugin is compatible with all the well known Autoresponders, including Aweber.

You can find my article at http://www.mysecondmillion.com/s2member-install-setup-mailchimp/ , and my site’s URL is listed in my Daniweb Profile.

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