I need some good suggestions to get more visitors & new members to my forums (<<url snipped to comply with forum policy>>). I will be advertising it on similar websites soon. I started a untargeted campaign with targetvisitors.info, but that hasn't helped too much yet..

What else can I do? Run contests? I was thinking of running a contest to give a free domain name + 6months/1 year of hosting to a lucky member.

Help me :(

Contests are one way but I would try and find some good posters and invite them to come to your site. Heck, if you have money to spend, you might think about giving them some kick backs for bringing people in and adding content. Content is key and so is some type of activity. People need a reason to get there.

I don't know if you have to have all those forums but you might want to cut down on some of them at least for the start. Having too many "empty" forums can be a real deterrant. When people show up and there isn't much activity they might just click-out and go someplace else before even digging into what you already have there.

You don't have to delete them but turn it off in your adminCP until people ask for them or there is already traffic available.

I have over 160 forums at one of my communities but I started out with around 10, I think. People ask for new stuff all the time but I don't add them unless there is enough ongoing demand. Forums that I do open and don't get much traffic, I will often merge or get rid of.

I would spend a lot of time posting links and information where applicable. Dig up any web directories that cover your products. Ask people to add your to their links sections, etc. The hardest part is when you start. You really have to bust your tail. Once you get some good and active members, the word will start spreading.

Rule of thumb.. Most all communities don't start taking off for a year. It took my first community a year and 4 months before it started to really blow up.
I think from December 2001 to March 2003 we ended up with about 2,500 members joining? From March of 2003 to this day, we now have 22,161 members. We've haven't been getting as many as we were lately only because of the upgrading and changes that we have had going on since January but we should be back up to about 150 new members a day and 2,500+ posts.

I truely believe that if you want your community to succeed, you can make it happen. Having a viable concept is important but you have to pour a ton of blood & sweat into it and then chances are you will realize your vision.

my 2 cents.

content is important start off with making site related posts(unless your site is a general chit chat site than just post chit chat). also as said above try getting people to link to you. i started my site off by posting my site on top lists and also offering top list services to visitors. you need to get things that will attract users such as an arcade and other fun things and also create threads that will start discussion;)

I agree with the previous post, I also suggest partnership with other forum owners in related topic like my forums <<urls snipped>> exchanging footer links etc can help boost a partner site

Hi all! I am new here and i have been reading a lot on this forum and I am having some of the same problems with my site. Cannot seem to get to many people to actually register on my site - automotive addicts. I think, well i know i have created an good environment for others in the automotive field to chat with each other. Just seems like a big hump to get over right now and I am on the wrong side of it. I have not been added to Google yet but that should happen in the next few weeks to a couple months. I am trying to wait it out. Any suggestions?

oh.. if you are wondering my site is << url snipped >> ... I know the automotive industry and I am always doing research and also post a little on other forums. Just i have spent my money and time learning some web development and trying to use my skills to better my site and business.

I run a forum (<< url snipped >>)

I was wondering, what do you guys think could spruce the place up, and how would I achieve getting more members, and if you think the board has potential.

I have the same problem and I can't seem to get anything to work. The biggest problem is getting those first few members to post a bunch, but I can't even find a good base.

I have the same problem and I can't seem to get anything to work. The biggest problem is getting those first few members to post a bunch, but I can't even find a good base.

I think i have found a good base... just some are not joining/registering for various reasons. I think the lack of initial members to start off is a big problem. If your forum is the exact same as it is now and you have 500 members... other are more apt to join. Simple way forums work. No memebers equals guest just visiting your forum and reading every post on there without contributing to anything meaning never joining! Controversial topics is a good start to get others to register/join because they want to add there two cents to topics that they may highly disagree with or highly agree with or have excessive knowledge on that specific topic.

I have the same problem and I can't seem to get anything to work. The biggest problem is getting those first few members to post a bunch, but I can't even find a good base.

There are very little steps you can take that will eventually bring you more visitors:

Here are a few tips to get your forum going:

1. consider post exchange. Contact other forum owners, and agree to exchange post, this does help kick start a forum. If you forum is empty, potential visitors are a but reluctant to post. I tried post exchange, it help make may forum look busy and after that new members seem to have confidence to register and start posting. I am interested in post exchange with my forums
<< urls snipped >>

2. Give new and existing members incentives, it does not have to be huge, little things could help for example when Gmail invites was still hot, I secured a few and gave it to new members who contribute x amount of post, its did work. You can think of some incentives your members will appreciate.
3. Another reward one which I am currently running is a link for new and existing member, I have a PR4 text link I am offering to existing members and new members who contribute a certain amount of post.
4. Promote your forum. Go to all the directories you can find (a link to about one hundred directories can be found here http://www.ukwebmasterworld.com/webmaster-world/viewtopic.php?t=138)
and submit your forum for inclusion.
5. Exchange links with other forums and websites.
6. Set a target for yourself and your forum. (I am also new in the forum game). But I set two targets for my forums. Achieve 1,000 post at by a certain time and achieve 100 registered members at a certain time. I missed one target by the deadline I set I did not achieve the second target but it help focus my goal for my forum.

This is not and exhaustive list, I am sure there are other things you can do, but I STRONGLY recommend post exchange, its a great way to kick start a forum. If anyone is interested in post exchange please contact me.

Good luck with your forum.

Okay.. I have submitted my link to a few... I think it might be a problem with the presentation of my site??? I am not sure. I have not had any memeber REGISTER on my forum in some time now. Give me some ideas on how to get them to come back often and register. << url snipped >> I am now on yahoo.. wooo whooo... not many people use yahoo now days I hear for serious searching... using google now!

Thanks for your time.

If you are a member of a forum all ready, try advertising is that - it sometimes works :cheesy:

Have you ever considered buying targeted traffic? This is always a good way to kick start forums and increase the number of active posters.....also gets your website name out there.

I think banner impressions on the top of large forums work quite well. Specifically i would place them on forums that relate or are direct competitors to your forum. Make sure the banner advert you have is eye catching so people will actually want to click it.

Submitting your website to google etc is all very well.......but its not a fast track solution. I would suggest raising some funds ($200) and then paying users $5 for every 25 decent posts they make.....that would soon make the forum seem active and probably increase the signup rate.

Directories, topsites, partnerships, link backs, sigs on forums, msn name advertising your URL and word of mouth are all other avenues to go down. Advertise your forum everywhere and anywhere. As long as the content is well thought out, you have a nice professional skin and there is something unique about your product you cant fail.

Good luck.


Here are some Ideas I've used for my sites.

- Get into Google, Get your Site out there. Get onto Search Engines
- Post on other Forums with your Link to your Site in your Sig, Use Colors (or Something).
- Try to get Ads with other Site, Trade Ads
- Tell your Friends

Advertise Anywhere you can, Have Fun With it. Also, If you Advertise, Make sure your Site looks Good, Meaning don't advertise something that has the default theme.


I do not what to pay for that. my forum is called << url snipped >>

Regester yourself twice, using different names, and have a debate about something related to your forum subject/topic/niche. make it a good debate, people might want to put in their view, and join up.

Still no luck with my forum: it is an automotive forum... what is the problem. I have lots of info to share. No new members for a while now. help me out. www.automotiveaddicts.com

I find that to get visitors to join your forum it helps to have a board where guests can post. This should be something not to do with the subject of your board such as a general discussion thread. This allows guests to get a feel for your forum and get to know the other members before they join so they feel more comfortable and hopefully join up.

But of course you need top get some guests first. Now presuming you've done the basics such as added your forum to search engines you should realy add you forum to directory as well. People who directorys are looking for something very specific, hopefully your forum can provide this so they'll join.

You should also exchange links with websites of a similar but not the same nature.

Wow you guys are giving some amazing advice!.

I just started my website yesterday and i'm looking forward to putting all your ideas to good use.

Regester yourself twice, using different names, and have a debate about something related to your forum subject/topic/niche. make it a good debate, people might want to put in their view, and join up.

This is a bit under hand but hey, it gets your forum going why not :) You may also want to try post exchange, you get together with another forum owner, he/she post X amount of post in your forum and you do the same for his forum, this gets discussion going in both forums

I need some good suggestions to get more visitors & new members to my forums (http://www.webdevshack.com/forum/). I will be advertising it on similar websites soon. I started a untargeted campaign with targetvisitors.info, but that hasn't helped too much yet..

What else can I do? Run contests? I was thinking of running a contest to give a free domain name + 6months/1 year of hosting to a lucky member.

Help me :(


Saw a link for this discussion while Googling and thought I'd add my .02.

There are a few small tricks that may or may not work. First, visit the websites of people who share your interests and be sure to post about your forum in their guestbooks.

Second, visit message boards that have folders for forum links, post about your forum, and link to it.

My forum has such a folder. It's called "Your Announcements", and you are welcome to come and post a message there so that anyone who is interested can find you. The same goes for anyone else here who would like to advertise a forum or message board that is not a hate site or an adult site. The URL is http://www.gojabber.com/1/start/login.php?webtag=pollvault

Hope to see you there! :-)


Saw a link for this discussion while Googling and thought I'd add my .02.

There are a few small tricks that may or may not work. First, visit the websites of people who share your interests and be sure to post about your forum in their guestbooks.

Second, visit message boards that have folders for forum links, post about your forum, and link to it.

My forum has such a folder. It's called "Your Announcements", and you are welcome to come and post a message there so that anyone who is interested can find you. The same goes for anyone else here who would like to advertise a forum or message board that is not a hate site or an adult site. The URL is http://www.gojabber.com/1/start/login.php?webtag=pollvault

Hope to see you there! :-)

Nice site... lots of potential. Keep up the good work. I finally got added to Google Today!!! Yippie... now i am focused on SEO!!! all into it!!! searchengineworld.com

Thanks for all your input!

When you said about giving a reward to some one for so many posts, if you use PHPbb you can have a point system instaled where users get som many points depending on how good there post is.

Link Exchanges are the best way to increase your market values :),
There are many other forums which allow you to post your links in return for a link, subscribe everywhere.
If you have enough money on your hands -> get to google adwords, you can get some quality hits according to your Adwords selected :)


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