Alright, I didn't get this one quite right on the homework, but I am trying to figure out exactly how to solve this thing. The answer was n log n , but how do you total this up when going through the loop

i = n                                                                       1
   while i >= 1                                                         n
       j =  i        1
         while j <= n                                                   n?
              <body of the j loop>, needs  Theta(1)      \\Theta (1) 
              j = j*2                                                      1
         end j while 
     i =i-1                                                                  1
end i while

Now when I total up I disregard so I left with n. Now I assume that the inner loop is log n, but I don't fully understand. Thanks for any help.

How many steps does it take for i*2^k to be greater than n?

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