25 Topics

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Member Avatar for cored0mp

I was thinking that one way that a coding team could work would be that coders would be rotated through several roles. This would prevent people from getting too comfortable towards the goal of preventing problem areas (code quality wise) from developing in the department. * Architecture * Production Coding …

Member Avatar for chuckc
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## In Android development, UseCases are classes that encapsulate business logic that are often used in ViewModel classes. UseCases belong to the optional Domain layer in Android apps, so they are not required, but can reduce your ViewModel’s complexity and make your application easier to test. In this …

Member Avatar for man.chester.581

Im working on a one huge project that is combination of many sub projects which is talking to eachothers and they all use apart from data base whice responsible to manage user's account i dont want to work with one database so i have to isolate each project's database and …

Member Avatar for misabah
Member Avatar for jkon

Hello , first of all I need to make clear that although I understand , and have done projects modifying code that is already there (and created my own minions) , in the core of C and C++ I wouldn't consider to know those a bit, I have just a …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for brispea

hello daniwebers... I am really stuck with this design of tables for calendar. Here is the thing...there are employees in a specific company. Each employee accepts customers of the company per day. The number of customers is limited by the doctor on a day by day basis. So for e.g. …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

It is commanly said that java is architectural neutral what is the basic concept of this.I want brief answer on it and some examples of this.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for iqlas

Hi Guys, I am planning to create one application that has 3 different Layers (clients) and each Layer has a same copy of an application and multiple users. any suggestions? Example : Application Client1 (has copy1 of application)(has n users) client2 (has copy2 of application)(has n users) client3 (has copy3 …

Member Avatar for Birol

I have some questions regarding design pattern (DP) usage, in particular for Java developers. i) Which DPs have you used, as far as you can remember, and how often? ii) How much have they helped your development work? iii) If you work in a project group, are there group standards …

Member Avatar for prakash.kadam.5851127
Member Avatar for Clan Onion

And the microprocessor? I want to know exactly how this all works. Wikipedia claims that an instruction set architecture determines the data, registers, addressing modes, memory, etc. It also claims that it dictates the opcodes on a microprocessor. Wikipedia says "Microarchitecture" is the way a given ISA is implemented on …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

what is the difference between class diagram and ERD ? i have to present my project , which i developed in asp.net 3.5 and sqlserver 2008, so my Supervisor told me to present diagrams, architetures etc of my project ? so guide me about it, please ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, i am not sure whether this topic would go under this category, thought this would be more suitable what are the famous software architectures? i have to do an research on this an present, I am new to this topic appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for c1c2c3c4c

im trying to figure out why we are using binary computers insted of ternary. from what i can tell the only valid argument is the cost of storage. basicly for those of you who dont know that a ternary computer is, its a computer that uses three positions of the …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi can someone point me to a C# project for a tracking system. which is implemnted in C#. my question is it has 2 processors and four track manager system can someone give me an tutorial to get started. appreciate it thanks

Member Avatar for emilio

I'm having doubts about a need to use a singleton pattern in a web service. I'm building a web service that is acting as a server side for multiple clients. I was thinking about making my business logic classes a singleton classes but i'm having doubts because of the following …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for hsetaknev
Member Avatar for Vyoam

From what I understand, ALU is exclusively for mathematical operations. For simple tasks like reading a web page, saving a text file, copying data etc., are arithmetic operations used or can the processor do it without using that? I don't have much knowledge about computer architecture, but it seems to …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for aizen92

Hello, I would like to know how can I put a binary number such as 110 in a register in MIPS? Thanks,

Member Avatar for ppetree

I need a little help architecting a process that is a little beyond my skill set so if I could get a little help in how to approach this, I would appreciate it. Basically: BigBox Corporation has 15,000 employees in multiple countries. They want to build a communications system consisting …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for Shinedevil

I would like to know what kind of CPU architecture I should choose for creating my first operating system. I personally would like to give it a go with trying out a RISC type CPU, but if it's better to try it out on an x86 or some other type …

Member Avatar for Shinedevil
Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad

Hi guys, I was requested to makes a 3D house plan, which a user can be able to move about in, using the keyboard or mouse. Like in games. I'm relatively good in Carrara, VB and C++ but I'm new to game programming. :S I need your help on how …

Member Avatar for Victormarques
Member Avatar for rahulvom

Hi, I am trying to do a three tier architecture of windows application using C#. Main layout: Inserting Values into a datagridview from two textboxes. Problem : I have 3 layers in my application UI,Business,Data Layers.(form1.cs,Bal.cs,Dal.cs) I have created separate c# code files for each, the question is how can …

Member Avatar for amit tapas
Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand

Hi All I've been working on a program that automates a test sequence for testing a product before it is sent to the user. The program controls 12 test stations. There is an object that controls the interactions with each station (12 instances total). One of the challenges of the …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for sharpieD

So, I'm studying Processor Design (very basic lol) but I need some input.. In a 1-Bus architecture for a CPU, doing an operation at the same time like: R[3] <- R[1] + R[2] : R[4] <- R[3] + R[1] + R[2]; where if R1 = 5; R2 = 6; R[3] …

Member Avatar for madmax007

Hi, I want to develop a an application based on independent "CustomModule" that all derived from a base class "BaseModule" and that can send different kind of "CustomEvent" (derived from a "BaseModule" class) to each other. Each Module just knows that it is connected to others "BaseModule" (i.e. it does …

Member Avatar for madmax007
Member Avatar for TheRekz

I am asked to add a madd(multiply and add) instruction to the standard single cycle datapath. I am quite confused on how to achieve this... any idea? Below is the description.. Description: The 32-bit word value in GPR rs is multiplied by the 32-bit word value in GPR rt, treating …


The End.