18 Topics

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Member Avatar for brainsoverbrawl

I have been debating between learning cyber security or UX Design. In the next two years I would like a career in one of those two areas. What are some pros/cons that could help me find which direction is right for me?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Rita_14

Share insights, ask questions, and stay informed about the latest threats and protective measures. Let's work together to make the digital world a safer place.

Member Avatar for Bam_391

In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on customer data to enhance their operations, personalize experiences, and drive growth. However, the increasing importance of customer data brings along significant cybersecurity challenges. Protecting this data is not only a legal and ethical obligation but also crucial for maintaining customer trust and …

Member Avatar for ilyes222

Hello everybody i would like some worked on the field of **SQL test cases generation based mutation**. In fact i almost wrote the test cases mutation code and i generated mutated test cases. but now i want to validate thus inputs or test the mutation by verifiying the killed and …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Ever wondered why the bad guys continue throwing malware in your direction? The obvious answer is the correct one: because they make money from doing it. On Thanksgiving Day, as all others across the year it would seem, they can be thankful for the high profit to be raked in …

Member Avatar for happygeek

New research shows that hackers are becoming increasingly lazy in their search for online exploits, with 98% of Remote File Inclusion and 88% of SQL injection attacks now being fully automated. It comes as no surprise whatsoever to DaniWeb administrators and moderators that your average cybercriminal is looking for the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

The results of a new security survey, which asked some 6,000 people across Europe questions about cybercrime, would appear to suggest that nearly everyone (88% of respondents in fact) is some kind of online victim. Have things really got this bad, or is it just another case of the security …

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for happygeek

Fatal System Error, subtitled 'The Hunt for the New Crime Lords Who Are Bringing Down the Internet' is that rarest of finds: an IT security book that is not only informative and fascinating, but truly gripping from start to finish. This newly published made for Kindle edition is the cheapest …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

The demand for compromised social network accounts is now so big on the cybercrime black market that, according to the latest research, just one such underground site has 1.5 million of them for sale. The international reach of social networks has meant that these sites have become the de facto …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest research from security vendor Symantec would appear to suggest that cybercrime gangs are now applying drug smuggling techniques to their trade, and are actively using 'malware mules' in order to distribute threats within social friendship networks. According to the latest Internet Security Threat Report, email accounts are now …

Member Avatar for WASDted

Today the cyber security experts at [URL="http://www.symantec.com/about/news/release/article.jsp?prid=20100322_01"]Norton announced the top 10 riskiest U.S. cities for cybercrime[/URL]. The next time you pay a bill or update your status on Facebook you might want to look over your shoulder [virtually]. It seems Seattle, Boston, San Francisco and Washington D.C. are the riskiest …

Member Avatar for TobyGalino
Member Avatar for happygeek

As the Chief Security Officer at telco giant AT&T, Edward Amoroso knows a thing or two about cybercrime. Which is why he has been giving testimony before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation specifically assessing how vulnerable the US is on the cybersecurity front and proposing …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

President Obama - I still like saying that and I'm not even in his continent (OK, a little bias there, you may disagree) - is of course to be applauded for his decision to launch a root and branch investigation into American cyber-security. In fact I'd urge other countries, particularly …

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for newsguy

The IBM Internet Security Systems division, better known simply as ISS, has today warned of the 'perfect storm' of security threats which has been created by the global economic slowdown, an unprecedented level of cybercrime activity and both the cost and complexity of legal security infrastructures. ISS announced a set …

Member Avatar for Thinka

I was privileged to attend the 5th [URL="http://www.kaspersky.com/"]Kaspersky[/URL] Lab forum, held in the city of London, yesterday. It was actually a Cybercrime Forum (I have no idea if the other forums were as well, as this was my first), and so the main focus was – yeah, you guessed it …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The [URL="http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/53/34/40724457.pdf"]Malicious software (malware): a security threat to the Internet economy[/URL] report published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development over the weekend suggests that the PC malware infection rate in the US has hit 25 percent. These OECD cybercrime infection findings are highly disturbing, admits Geoff Sweeney, CTO …

Member Avatar for acejames1
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a [URL="http://www.yougov.com"]YouGov[/URL] survey published today by [URL="http://www.verisign.com"]VeriSign[/URL] the average UK consumer is worth £10,077 ($20,000) online in terms of banking, gaming and shopping accounts. The pan-European survey on consumer attitudes to online security concludes that UK Internet users are putting as much as £361 billion ($720 billion) at …

Member Avatar for Michael_Knight

In today's heightened threat environment, it is a constant battle for IT security departments to stay on top of all possible attacks and vulnerabilities they could encounter. With insider threats on the rise and the continuous danger posed by external hackers, coupled with the alarmingly quick development of stronger and …


The End.