8 Topics

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## Introduction ## The `java.nio.file.Files` class includes many convenient methods to read file attributes, but sometimes these convenient methods just are not enough to meet our needs. In this tutorial, we will go over 5 ways to use the `Files` class to read file attributes so you can choose the …

Member Avatar for kevinn

I was wondering how for example drop box or a NAS is coping with the different file systems on different operating systems when sharing a folder? I was reading more about the different file systems and noticed that they ol have their size limits or they all safe their files …

Member Avatar for Shabbir_2
Member Avatar for zapman2003

Ok, so I have been trying to google the heck out of this thing to absolutely no avail and I'm really and truly stuck! The assignment, as posed to the class by my operating systems concepts teacher, was to start work on creating a file system. To begin with, he …

Member Avatar for sharawy
Member Avatar for khess

Time to enter the Wayback ([URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WABAC_machine"]WABAC[/URL]) Machine to an experience I had with a new Linux user and compare it to today's more tech savvy audience. The year was 1997 and I had settled in for the evening with my [URL="http://www.guinness.com/"]favorite beverage[/URL] and a bit of channel flipping, when I …

Member Avatar for ru60hz
Member Avatar for mmmerlin

Hi, I'm writing a scientific application that has to store a large (1GB to 500GB+) amount of data on a hard drive, and then, once written, read it back sequentially to process it. The amount of data for a particular experiment is known in advance, exact to the byte. When …

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Member Avatar for prashant0784

Hi, Can anyone explain me, what is file system in solaris all about? Regards, Prashant

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for khess

Most often, when someone talks about a filesystem or file system, they're referring to disk filesystems such as NTFS, FAT, ext2, ext3, ext4, ISO 9660 and many others but can also refer to network file systems such as CIFS (Common Internet File System aka Samba) and NFS. A filesystem is …

Member Avatar for vigneras
Member Avatar for khess

Hans Reiser, creator of the ReiserFS, is found guilty of murdering his ex-wife, Nina. Described as odd, strange, and narcissistic by the prosecuting attorneys and having Asperger's Syndrome by his attorney; the jury decided against him. Unfortunately, the evidence against him was significant and damning. The prosecutors gave Reiser's ongoing …

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The End.