19 Topics

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OpenAI announced the [GPT-4o (omni)](https://community.openai.com/t/announcing-gpt-4o-in-the-api/744700) model on May 13, 2024. The GPT-4o model, as the name suggests, can process multimodal inputs, such as text, image, and speech. As per OpenAI, GPT-4o is the state-of-the-art and best-performing large language model. Among GPT-4o's many capabilities, I found its ability to analyze images …

Member Avatar for soroush68

Hi. I want to detect a face and draw line exactly around the face to crop it. I searched a lot and used the EmguCV face detector. but now my code just draw a "rectangle" around the face and if I crop it, I will have a rectangle with a …

Member Avatar for roycpo
Member Avatar for ritania

Hello, I am doing this image processing programming for pseudocoloring. aFile = File.new("mix.lut","w+") for i in 0...256 red = i*i/255 green = Math.sqrt(i). to_i blue = i aFile.puts "#{red} #{green} #{blue}" end aFile.close I made this simple color LUT, and i want to apply it to an image (RGB image). …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for shack99

I want to create an android app where a live camera stream captures obstacles on the ground and issues warnings to the user. This is intended as an application for the visually impaired. I'm at a loss to understand what technologies are most suitable for this as I have no …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for anuran
Member Avatar for daboyregino

What are the latest trends in steganography (hiding message in another medium e.g. digital images, videos, sound file) and steganalysis(detecting presence of message in a file) in jpeg images? Is there a way to perform steganography or is there an existing steganography algorithm where the message will not be destroyed …

Member Avatar for sgtlaugh

Hi, I am trying to make an image viewer, this is my first time developing a software and I was just wondering how to add properties in my application. I'm creating this software with the help of Gtk and C and now I'm stuck because I want to display the …

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for hallmat

Hello, im trying to make a program that opens up jpeg files one at a time and look at there brightness and then if its past a threashold moves the file to a "keep" folder if not moves it to a "varify" folder im new to C# so im not …

Member Avatar for hallmat
Member Avatar for apan

Is there a reliable method to extract the quantized DCT coefficients of a jpeg image? I can see that there is the jpeglib for manipulation of jpegs but I am wondering if someone has already used it and does the job I want to do. To extract the quantized DCT …

Member Avatar for silentassasin

Hi, I wrote a program for detecting circles using Hough Transform using OpenCV in C. The program inputs 3 images, each image contains a fixed small circle and a big circle with variable position. The program then recognizes both the circles and marks the centres of both the circles. Now …

Member Avatar for mindmyweb

Ok i have a problem i cant solve I have 2 images image one saved in location x and has name x1 image two is saved in location y and has name y1 Now i want a script that picks up image y1 and replaces x1 with y1 using changeing …

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Member Avatar for tamoghnaroy

Hi, I am a rookie coder. My goal is to incorporate the magick++ features of reading and converting different image files to an existent project. So how do I go about this? Should I download the binary installer or the source files? And what to do after that? I am …

Member Avatar for george61
Member Avatar for methmignonne

hi. im doing an edge detection which will detect edges of each RGB channel and then combine them to show it as a final output. im now having a problem with combining the three as it doesnt show me a binary image, instead it has some colors on it. i …

Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi all, I am having some problem writing an ImageJ plugin for display image histogram. [CODE]import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.process.ByteProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; public class Create_New_Image implements PlugInFilter { String title = null; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus im) { title = im.getTitle(); return DOES_8G + NO_CHANGES; } public void …

Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I have this image script and I want to upload the image and then save the file into a Database, but I keep on getting errors(a blank screen). Here's my code: [CODE] if(isset($_FILES['logo'])) { if(($_FILES['logo']['type'] == "image/jpg") || (($_FILES['logo']['type'] == 'jpeg') && (($_FILES['logo']['size'] < 524288)))) { $logoname = $_FILES['logo']['name']; …

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Member Avatar for Sha12345

I need to count out boxes in a warehouse by using image processing edge detection techniques (Sobel filter), images will be taken from a 3D model of a warehouse and the propose system will be used 3 images in 3 different angles to cover the whole area of a warehouse. …

Member Avatar for Serrafine

Hi, I'm trying to find a way for the user to draw an image on the screen, and then return a formal version of the image. This is a tool to enable practise writing symbols from an ancient language. What I mean by a formal version is the properly drawn …

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Member Avatar for august_2007

Hi everyone, I'm new here and I was really confused where to post this question but since I'm also confused about which programming language (C/C#) to use for image processing, I chose the C# section as I'm inclined to this option. However, I know a guy (experienced in this field) …

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The End.