121 Topics

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Member Avatar for EpifaniaPersons

Hi Everyone! I am new here, and the main purpose of joining this community is getting some help. Actually, I am designing a PHP website where I need to fetch US vehicles data into PHP. I have already used this source to get the vehicle's dataset from here https://www.back4app.com/database/back4app/car-make-model-dataset. Still, …

Member Avatar for RayPalmer
Member Avatar for davecoventry

I have a table with the following fields: CREATE TABLE text ( drawing INT NOT NULL, blockID INT NOT NULL, entityID INT NOT NULL, style INT, txt VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, attrib INT); My csv file contains the data: 19 1CB2 E49 2 CLIENT MODULAR 1C2A 19 1CB3 E4B 2 CLIENT …

Member Avatar for davecoventry
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Because Microsoft will be removing vbScript in the next version of Windows, I have been busy converting my utility vbScripts into Python. Part of this is a library of functions that I keep in `D:\include`. I'd like to maintain this system in Python, but the import process is rather clumsy. …

Member Avatar for bangalore.webguru
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi i am having 3rd party csv file. i am having php uploading script to upload the datas into my table. while uploading datas into my mysql Table mean while it has to remove duplicate entries rows from CSV file. Please help me

Member Avatar for bhuvi_2
Member Avatar for zekstein

Hello there ! I wrote a dll( using MINGW and Codeblocks ) that should do the "background work" of my app. I have an interface build in Microsoft Visual C++ 2015. Is posible to control some TextBoxes, or Buttons( enable/disable ) or ProgressBars, or opening a new Form from the …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I've imported an existing form into a new project that I'm creating (using Visual Studio 2015 Express/VB.net). When displaying the "Design" version (the user interface), it looks like a plain form and doesn't resemble the actual form in the original program. As per the directions, I added the …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for steven.rose.94

Fair warning - I'm still learning so this might be a very newb like question: What I'm trying to do: I'm trying to import a python file into a Tkinter window and run it when I press a button. Eventually I'd like to display the output of the imported script …

Member Avatar for steven.rose.94
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hi all! Whenever I am working with my code in my main.cpp file, I can call character-handling functions like * isdigit * isalpha * isspace * toupper without importing the `cctype` library. However, my C++ How to Program Book shows that the cctype library must be imported before the functions …

Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky
Member Avatar for DragonMastur
Member Avatar for DragonMastur
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

I uploaded a module named [symboldict](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/symboldict) to the python package index (pypi). This snippet shows how to use it to create a dictionary of symbols from various modules. This dictionary can be used as a common language shared by several modules. It can be used to load python libraries in …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Gobble45

Hi fellow members of Daniweb. I've been working on project for the past few days now, and have come across a bump, that i am unable to pass. The project, when finished, will do the following: 1. Select DBF file from computer location (Default C:) 2. Import the database file …

Member Avatar for Mary Grace_1
Member Avatar for nadiam

hi, i have an import csv script but it does not get entered into the database. only "uploaded successfully" and the data is echoed but nothing in the database is something wrong with it? and is it sql injection safe? <?php if(isset($_SESSION['sess_user_id'])) { if (isset($_POST['ubmit'])) { require "connection.php"; $session = …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for ashalatha

Controller: $data['error'] = ''; //initialize image upload error array to empty $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'csv'; $config['max_size'] = '10000'; $this->load->library('upload', $config); // If upload failed, display error if (!$this->upload->do_upload()) { $data['error'] = $this->upload->display_errors(); $data['mainpage']='category'; $data['mode']='addcsv'; $this->load->view('includes/mainpage',$data); //Category Id Category Name Sub-category Id Sub-category Name } else { $file_data = …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Big-D2xL

I'm trying to create a .txt reader and inserting the read data to the cleansheets software we are editing in class but instead of putting the correct data it does nothing. I made some prints and this is what I obtain: D:\Documentos\Desktop\ImportTest.txt cacacaca ----- [[Ljava.lang.String;@73a175] cacacaca ----- [[Ljava.lang.String;@73a175, [Ljava.lang.String;@364cf2] cacacaca …

Member Avatar for Big-D2xL
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, Im making a simple program which converts a encrypted text file the upload it to sql CE. This is time in and out logs of every employee. The date is extracted from a machine and downloaded as encrypted file. We managed to decrypt it by getting the equivalent value …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for riayas

I am importing data from an excel worksheet in to a sql table, one of the columns in the table is set to nvarchar(50), the data i am importing are barcodes, but the problem i am having is the column is changing the data for example the number "5900397732209" is …

Member Avatar for riayas
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys so ive been asked to add an import csv function to my contacts page. <?php require "connection.php"; if ($_FILES[csv][size] > 0) { //get the csv file $file = $_FILES[csv][tmp_name]; $handle = fopen($file,"r"); if ($data[0]) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO contact (fname,lname,email) VALUES ( '".addslashes($data[0])."', '".addslashes($data[1])."', '".addslashes($data[2])."' ) "); } } …

Member Avatar for tony75

Hi I got this error ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher Where can I find the module for windows and debian linux? How can I fix error both in windows and Linux? importerror no module named crypto.cipher windows Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Win/\Desktop\client.py", line 2, in <module> from Crypto.Cipher …

Member Avatar for tony75
Member Avatar for Grazel

Hi.. I really don't know what to do with my Program, it is needed to have a excel file on MDI Form, But i really don't how to. Can somebody help! Highly Appreciated. : ) Thanks! :)

Member Avatar for elouch
Member Avatar for joshmac

I have some code that I edited for importing csv into mysql using PDO to bind parameters. I thought it was working before, but tested it again and the issue I have is that only one line (the fourth line) of the csv file is getting imported. The first line …

Member Avatar for joshmac
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I've noticed when watching videos, usually people import everything. Such as `import javax.swing.*;`. So my question is, is it better to Import everything? Or only the things you need indiviually? I've heard it slows down your program if you import alot of things, is this true?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for shashidhargm

Hi everyone, I've Nokia Lumia 820 and i'm not able import contacts from SIM to the phone. Help me! Thank You

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Grazel

hi! i am creating a program that need to import excel file. i really don't know how to. Can someone help? Thanks in Advance! God Bless!

Member Avatar for Grazel
Member Avatar for bnn678

So I have been working on a directory and have not really been able to get it off the ground. As a matter of fact none at all. import H:\Python Helpful Programs\DivisibleBy.py (also: everything is in the same folder) I have also tried just DivisibleBy.py and some others. The error …

Member Avatar for bnn678
Member Avatar for João_5

Hello guys, i have been working on a new script that will import data from a TXT file to mysql. Using this code works ok: $sql = 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'logons-16-12-2013.txt' INTO TABLE pcvsuser COLUMNS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n''; But if i …

Member Avatar for Abdul Waseem
Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi Experts my excel data is copied successfully to the listview. But on importing to database, I get this error. InvalidArgument=Value of '5' is not valid for 'index' ParameterName:Index ================= I have 2 problems ================= Problem 1: What should be the problem when I importing from listview(I think it is …

Member Avatar for ling_tj
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi Everybody I have to import excel data in MySQL table, I know how to do this for simple excel data to 1 MySQL table. Here also I need to import data from excel to 1 table but data is provided in 1 form which needs to be converted first …

Member Avatar for João_5
Member Avatar for chophouse

I'm having trouble calling a function I've written after importing the module containing it. The module is called funky.py. Here is the code for funky.py: from ftplib import FTP_TLS #### FUNCTION --- fileup() #### for sending file via FTP TLS ## ## arg1 .. destname > the filename to be …

Member Avatar for chophouse
Member Avatar for zeeshanmughal

I am creating a software for my company in C#. The working process is like this. 1: we write information in an Excel file. 2: Then we go to the website (Company's customer support page) there is only one search box. and we search after appropriate information. it gives us …

Member Avatar for doaa.foudah
Member Avatar for DyO1

I would like to make a Export / Import buttons that will save/open files that contain listView data (ListView Items) Can someone tell me is there a way to do this?

Member Avatar for DyO1

The End.