Honda parts are expensive and in high demand.

From 1962 to 1971 the US Army sprayed "Agent Orange" on about 25 million acres of Vietnamese farmland to deny the enemy food and cover. The herbicides were sloppily made by Monsanto and heavily contaminated with one of the worst toxins ever produce by mankind. It is estimated that the toxin created birthdefects in about 500,000 children. Even to this day the veterans hospitals spend about $1,570,000,000 a year on veterans that were freely exposed to the toxin, most of them suffering from cancer and Parkinson's desease.

And yet when Syria uses chemical weapons (which side is yet to be determined) this constitutes crossing the red line? I guess rules only apply to the other guys.

commented: the one who has the power can determine the rules of the game. +0

In 2010, a Pew Forum survey offered a quiz of basic religious knowledge to US respondents of various worldviews. Mainline Protestants and Catholics both averaged around 16 correct out of 32 — about half right. Mormons averaged 20.3, while Jewish respondents averaged 20.5. The top group, the most religiously literate of all was atheists and agnostics at 20.9, about two-thirds correct.

Although not a single leader of the Third Reich — not even Hitler himself - was ever excommunicated, Galileo was not absolved of heresy until 1992.

These evil fellows never said anything against the church?

Apparently you can invade other countries and kill a few million Jews (and others) as long as you don't dis the Pope.

If you turned your tongue upside down, then touched the left side of your tongue, the right side of your tongue would feel your touch.

The average pay for a programmer:
India $10,000
Russia $20,000
USA $90,000

Apparently you can invade other countries and kill a few million Jews (and others) as long as you don't dis the Pope.

why would anyone want to do either one (other than hitler)

The average pay for a programmer:
India $10,000
Russia $20,000
USA $90,000

Those numbers are pretty crazy.

In 2011, listeriosis from tainted cantaloupe killed 33 people in the United States. Foodborne pathogens also affected 48.7 million people, hospitalized 127,839 and killed 3,037. This was a typical year. Last year the US government spent $75 billion to prevent terrorism while the FDA struggled to get $1.1 billion for its food inspection program.

That's so sad .. violence is everywhere

Sad, indeed. An American citizen is 110 times more likely to die from contaminated food than from an act of terrorism.

Yeah but terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism, terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism,terrorism.

Just making sure you see the word terrorism to make it more important.

commented: lol +0

I'm now officially afraid and ready to give up all of my rights.

The total number of American war casualties from the battle of Lexington to the recent war in Afghanistan is 1,171,177. By contrast, the number killed by firearms, including suicides, since 1968, according to the CDC and the FBI, is 1,384,171.

There have been fewer than 20 terror-related deaths on American soil since 9/11 and about 364,000 deaths caused by privately owned firearms.

Three jobs that will be in high demand in the next six years in the USA:

Biomedical engineer
Market research analyst
Cost estimator

Three jobs that will be in high demand in the next six years in the USA:

I think programmers and (almost any) engineers should be a part of that mini-list

Contrary to popular belief, Napoleon Bonaparte was not short. At his death, he was just shy of 5' 7" which was slightly above average for French males at that time.

Contrary to popular belief, Napoleon Bonaparte was not short. At his death, he was just shy of 5' 7" which was slightly above average for French males at that time.

So he isn't a midgit... but

President Benito Juarez of Mexico was 4'6

Ted Cruz the Republican senator from Texas gets his delux health insurance free from Goldman-Sachs. He is the most vocal opponent of Obamacare.

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This is happening all over the 'civilised' world. Rich dicks getting richer and wielding all the power. Strange what money does to you. The more you have, the more you want to ensure that nobody else has any.

In the UK last year, we found that 2/3 of our respected and learned (me being sarcastic) cabinet was made up of millionaires. The rest aren't far behind (or not enough info can't be found on them). They're selling off all the national treasures to foreign or multinational companies at ridiculously low prices. These companies then charge subjects what the hell they want and our glorious PM squeaks at them and says, 'Ahem, that's a bit steep'. They just laugh and have a nice cosy chat about their next joint venture. I wonder how many directorships they'll recieve in a few years?

Three out of the four countries of the UK didn't even vote for the idiot and his cronies. They're now dismantling our National Health System - a long-term aspiration of theirs. "How dare the poor have access to medical care! We are the masters, it is our right, and our right alone to have access to doctors!" The economic downturn has given them the excuse they need to turn the screw and get rid of everything that serves everybody equally.

I heard someone talking on the radio the other day about a study linking socipathic behaviour with wealth. The point was that greater wealth = less empathy. He made it sound like the wealth was the corrupting influence. I believe the causation is backwards. I believe that people with more sociopathic tendencies are more likely to accumulate wealth because they are willing to do whatever it takes, regardless of who is affected and how.

The total weight of all ants on earth is roughly equal to the total weight of humans.

The heart of a blue whale is the size of a VW beetle.

Those whales have a lot of love in them :D

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hallmark is a signature

Earlier this month hackers stole almost 3 million encrypted credit card records from Adobe. Over the last weekend, someone posted a 3.86GB archive file containing 150 million Adobe usernames plus a 2.56GB archive supposedly containing source code for Adobe Acrobat, Reader, ColdFusion and Photoshop.

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