yeah, CNN, BBC, Reuters and everyone else is pro-terrorist, and there isn't much to be done about it.

last year, it was the bloggers who raised the noise to remove the badly photoshopped pictures of the war in Lebanon, which were shamelessly advertised in mass media everywhere. The pictures were removed, but an apology never came forth.

The Israelis are not even entering this media war, they consider themselves above propaganda, and that is probably why they lose out to the terrorists who use anything they can.

yeah, CNN, BBC, Reuters and everyone else is pro-terrorist, and there isn't much to be done about it.

That is utter nonsense!

That is utter nonsense!

wonderful argument. how about proving your words?

wonderful argument. how about proving your words?

I would think the proof is in your court. You accused these fine news organizations of being "pro-terrorist". Gives us about ten good examples.

great, back to the kindergarten now, eh? if you read the whole thread, you will see what I am talking about. And if you take a few years and go live in Israel, you will never say these things again.

great, back to the kindergarten now, eh? if you read the whole thread, you will see what I am talking about. And if you take a few years and go live in Israel, you will never say these things again.

Where is your proof that the BBC is a "pro-terrorist" news organization?

Just read the news. Summarize the pro and anti articles, read the articles to see how opinionated they are, and you will see.

Just read the news. Summarize the pro and anti articles, read the articles to see how opinionated they are, and you will see.

Where is your proof that the BBC is a "pro-terrorist" news organization? Looks to me like you have none!

Where is your proof that the BBC is a "pro-terrorist" news organization? Looks to me like you have none!

Agree -- its up to the accuser to prove his statement(s). The accused does not have to prove anything. Just saying "read the news" doesn't prove anything. Post links and quotes to the articles that support your position, to do otherwise just shows that you are blowing so much smoke and expressing some preconceived position.

I really don't care whether you guys believe me or not

The Israeli Army is the best Army in the world! If they would have been allowed to do the Iraq thing, they would have been in and out in five days.

don't be ridiculous, it's too large for 5 days. but a couple of months should have been enough, provided there are right orders given. btw, if the right orders were given, the americans could have done the same in the same amount of time

Actually we did finish it in about a couple months. The war since then is not the same war as we started with. We are now and have been fighting a war with Iran in Iraq. Had Israel done what we did than one of two outcomes would have occurred: (1) Isreal would now be fighting Iran as we are doing, or (2) Iran would have just taken Iraq for themselves because Isreal would have left as quickly as they went there.

Israeli army never went into Iraq

it was an Israeli journalist, who actually told the US command to start moving by night, using night vision instead of high beams and spotlights. that increased the speed drastically, and reduced casualties - the Iraqis were attacking the convoys from afar aiming at the lights before that

Israeli army never went into Iraq

AD said "Had Israel done what we did" which means it was a hypothetical situation.

Israeli army never went into Iraq

How would you know? They could have sent special op units.

Israeli army never went into Iraq

The world still owes you bigtime for teaching Saddam and France a lesson by taking out their Osirak reactor :)
Not that the world will ever thank you for it, but such is the world.

How would you know? They could have sent special op units.

well, actually, under certain conditions I would know

The world still owes you bigtime for teaching Saddam and France a lesson by taking out their Osirak reactor :)
Not that the world will ever thank you for it, but such is the world.

don't forget the reactor in Syria

The Israeli Army is the best Army in the world! If they would have been allowed to do the Iraq thing, they would have been in and out in five days.

The Israeli Army should be good, the US taxpayer pays for them.

The Israeli Army should be good, the US taxpayer pays for them.

that's what the US taxpayer is made to believe. Actually the situation is very much on the opposite side - the US uses the Israeli military to test out their own stuff, or get rid of things they do not need, and have no use for.
I served 3 years with an M16 that was actually used in Vietnam. IDF has to BUY those from the US, because if they don't, the US will stop supporting the IDF. This is just the most common and well known examples. So whatever money the US taxpayer pays, the US gets back.

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