This is game is simple. You just rate how well you know or recognize the person above you on a scale of 1-10.

i don't know you at all...
so i am giving 0....

Don't know you either... 0 also... lol


Dont know you but i swear ive seen you name mentioned in the moderation queue. Maybe a reported post?

one of the best servering moderator .

So i give you 9.

thanks :) but ancient, narue and SOS are much better than me

i dont know debasisdas personally (probably a good thing, means he has stayed out of trouble ;) ) but I see his avatar a lot, in the visual basic forums

I don't know jbennet personally, but I have seen his avatar around I say 6

dont know maydhyam at all but he has quite a few posts and has kept his nose clean
so maybe a 3

jbennet is unable to iddentify the gender of a person from the photo ,so i give him (ok you tell me how you scored ...).

not sure about debasisdads.... never seen him around.... but seems to be a nice guy, so 4 :)

I don't know about cohen.. so I got to go to Melbourne (joke).. but I feel cohen is practically a master poster.. ahihihi:)

This is game is simple. You just rate how well you know or recognize the person above you on a scale of 1-10.

I don't like this thread -- that's what reps are all about.

cohen is pretty cool i know him from a couple of other forums we go on

ancient dragon is a good mod and seems to know his stuff

Though I don't know jbennet personally, but i like the way he participates each thread and helps each member and show them the right way of thinking.
I will rate him = 8

I don't know Robdale, haven't seen much of him either so i'll give him 2

I don't like this thread -- that's what reps are all about.

you dont get reps from the lounges

^ = is it okay if I rate him 11?.. ahihihihihihihi.....

^ = is it okay if I rate him 11?.. ahihihihihihihi.....


it points at you

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