ok, you are forced to behave logically all the time, since i am a poster who is critisized with rambling off the topic, i give myself and you guys a chance to ramble off the topic as you like with one exception, the rambling will be like a linked list, you can ramble to any sub concepts given in the post you are referring to. let say if i say what do you think about unix haters book, you can ramble with a smooth sentence like this : i think that book sucks but i think any hater sucks, i think is hating is a bad habit, that should be why it is considered as bad in any common religion.. so as you see i rambled successfully.
by rambling off topic you can say whatever you like to say, for instance, the things you really have in mind to share but find no opportunity to express.

Lets begin:

I'm listening to Melt Banana so this really doesn't take a single sane thought to begin my irrelevant posting adventure about irrelevance on a forum based on reason and logical postings formed in reality, not rambling diatribes about "threads I've read that told me to go off topic of the OP's conceptual rantings of posting a post that is in some-sense not related to the point."

Do I win for incoherency?

wow, your english is too complicated for a foreign speaker to understand man. i wish i could speak like this. Before coming to the USA i was more english oriented, now i have one emotion which forces me to keep my identity and integrity and i think that if i stop thinking in turkish i am going to lose my identity. Actually i plan to live in USA permanently but i have still my family in Turkey, when i see them i dont want to be percieved as a foreign person, i know thinking in other language makes you other person. I already changed in character since i came. i wish all the people all around the world spoke the same language. i dont think not being able to understand each other is a diversity, f... such a diversity. i wish there were only one government and i wish it was USA.

>i wish all the people all around the world spoke the same language.
Well, that would just be plain boring. I find different languages interesting and enjoy learning them. Different languages seem to have their advantages, english seems to be a nice phonetic language which IMO has the nicest sounding music. But others sound nice too (like Dragostea Din Tei which sounds nice in romanian but awful in english).

Most languages represent their culture or history and wouldn't be the same without... take chinese or japanese for example, which can be an art in itself. [link]

yeah i also think that it is richness to have various languages but if your mother tongue had not been english, you would have suffered like i do. each morning when i wake up, my cache memory appears to be loaded with turkish words, then until i go to office i think in turkish, then somebody calls my name with their own pronounciation, that is the time for me to load cache with english.
that is tiring. i use my left brain lob when i start to speak english, it takes a while to switch to right brain lob.

yeah i also think that it is richness to have various languages but if your mother tongue had not been english, you would have suffered like i do. each morning when i wake up, my cache memory appears to be loaded with turkish words, then until i go to office i think in turkish, then somebody calls my name with their own pronounciation, that is the time for me to load cache with english.
that is tiring. i use my left brain lob when i start to speak english, it takes a while to switch to right brain lob.

Well I originally used to speak in Portuguese as I only moved to the UK when I was aged about 5, but I guess that was plenty of time to adapt. In fact, now I can't even remember much Portuguese (but some parts of it come back to me while learning Spanish). Given enough time, you should get used to it.

i would love to live in a foreign speaking country for a year so as to learn the language and the culture.

what is your first language?
by the way it is hard to live in foreign culture and country.

what is your first language?
by the way it is hard to live in foreign culture and country.

English. I know which is why I would go somewhere that is not too different from the culture I live in. The language part i wouldn't mind.

I like English crumpets with jam.

well they would be in england which is on the other side of the world to me

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