When he signed up for the army and the re-signed up, did she think he was a burger flipper or something? This REALLY pisses me off.

When you volunteer to sign up for the military you should accept the risks and understand that it isn't some picnicing free ride through college. This mother thinks that her son's life was wasted, but she has already spoken with Bush and was unable to get through to him. Now all she's trying to do is stir up publicity against Bush (which there is enough of already) because she failed to prove her point. Her actions seem pointless..


Worse than pointless. Active support for your nation's enemies is treason. Treason in times of war is typically dealt with rather quickly and decisively. The fact that the US isn't doing that at this time shows they've become weak and are an easy target (at least that's how the terrorists and their symphatisers like this woman will argue).

Her actions also sully the memory of her son in the extreme. That's not the act of a mother, it's the act of a traitor.

My dad's best friend is an ex marine and said if her son were still alive, he would slap the crap out of that women. I'm so sick of hearing about her. I can't turn on the news without listening to her rant about the war. It's sad that her son died, but he knew good and well there was a chance of him dieing when he signed up.

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died, instead we should thank God that such men lived" -George Patton

A lot of people defend this woman by saying "she lost her son, she has a reason to act like this" Well there have been 1800+ other famlies who have lost sons and daughters in this war, but you don't see them acting this insane.

JT mentioned charging her with treason. Which is interesting, as most Americans will argue she has the right to protest. Some will even argue she has more rights since she lost a son in combat.

The media's constant coverage of everything negative in this war and nothing good makes me sick. No one would know this woman existed if the media did not give her the attention. It is sad that there are so many people blinded by their hatred for Bush that they want America to lose this war.

I think she has the right to believe what she wants, but why do something like that in a time like this? I mean, our Country needs support, our troops need support. Why do something like that when you don't know what it was like to live under Sadam and stuff like that. Also, it's easy for people to find the wrong in everything and it seems that's much more important these days than taking a look at what we've done good over there. Maybe there are some flaws in our war plan, but aren't there flaws in everything? Is it that hard to realize we are trying to help another nation in turmoil and doing the best we can?

She may have a right to her opinion but when the way she voices that opinion constitutes aiding and abetting the enemy in times of war (which it does) that's treason which is punishable by death by firing squad without the possibility of parole.

I don't know about that... I think we're aiding the "terrorists" (whoever they might be) right now by sending our people into a country where it's perfectly possible for them to get attacked. Where the "terrorists" can easily persuade some kid to strap bombs to himself and run at the Americans without having to get into this part of the world first. We're saving them a plane ticket or two per suicide bomber. But we can't just pull out, that would turn the entire country over to people who are infinitely worse than Saddam was... So what exactly is the purpose of this war now?


I think the purpose now is to provide Iraq with a stable government which will take some time. While doing so we must fight off terrorist which is what everyone thinks it's all about.

What a load of pigs twaddle here, trotted out by those blinded by propaganda!

I do not support this lady's campaign, which has now become the focus of worldwide attention. But isn't it a tad silly to get all heated up and hate-filled about it, to the extent of mouthing platitudes about 'treason' and the like? Even if there is reason to get a bit heated about the issue, isn't the attention being directed to the wrong target?

Simple fact is, this woman is being used by the media for their own purposes. She's a grieving Mum who is trying to work through her grief and not really getting any realistic chance to do just that. Instead, she's being played as a 'circus act'!

If there's any 'fault' to be apportioned, direct at the mass media and the mindless, moronic, mass media devouring public, not at a woman who is in the middle of the very private grieving process.

Oh, I forgot, this is the good ole US of A, where the mass media is accorded an almost divine status because 'free speech' overrides common sense,and where everything is someone else's fault!

(or did I just say something as outrageously excessive as the drivel I've been hearing spouted about this woman, and the curcus her grief has become?)

As grieving time tends to vary from one person to another, it's difficult to say whether Mrs. Sheehan is still grieving or not especially since she has turned the death of her son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, into her own political agenda.

Mr. & Mrs. Sheehan have already met with President Bush, in person, last year, a few months after their sons tragic death (

(The meeting took place near where I live and, as would be expected, was big news around here.)

After that meeting, Mrs. Sheehan said, ""I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."

So why is she insisting on another meeting a year later??

I am truly sorry for her loss, but I feel Mr. Sheehan, the rest of their family, and the families of so many others that lost loved ones, are handling their losses in a much more appropriate way then Cindy is.

And Catweazle is right, it is the media that is giving this situation so much unwarranted attention.

What a load of pigs twaddle here, trotted out by those blinded by propaganda!

Now it's the crocodile hunter that's obviously been kicked in the head by a kangaroo and had his brain scorched by the searing heat.

If YOU don't like what we discuss then why not just stay out of it?

heh heh.......

It's a current affairs discussion about an event that's currently enjoying world wide media attention. I made a comment. No heatstroke - it's nearing the end of winter here and it's damned cold :D

Agree, by the way, that 'unwarranted attention' is the best description. It's something you'd expect to see as 'filler' in a low budget local newspaper.

You always make me feel bad after a mean comment...Sorry!

Anyways, I'm just plain sick of hearing about it. It's all over the news. I just don't get why that women and other people let the war have so much affect on them. Why don't they let it go, support what's going on and shut up?

commented: The about face brought a smile! +9

I just don't get why that women and other people let the war have so much affect on them. Why don't they let it go, support what's going on and shut up?

Has the thought ever crossed your mind that some people might just not feel to comfortable about the current state of US Foreign Policy? It might surprise you to know that most of the world is a tad alarmed about it, as are quite a growing number of people there ;)

Has the thought ever crossed your mind that some people might just not feel to comfortable about the current state of US Foreign Policy? It might surprise you to know that most of the world is a tad alarmed about it, as are quite a growing number of people there ;)

No it hasn't. I don't agree with a lot of the decisions the government makes, but there's not much I can do about. I don't agree with gays being able to marry. I don't agree with ONE liberal having the power to change the constitution. I feel issues like these are of worry. Issues like these are poping up all over the nation and is a sign of weakness and corruption. If our foreign policy has issues then it's because we are trying to HELP to many countried and others don't like it. But that's just my thoughts and I'm not going to sit outside of some officials ranch until he meets me.

Oh well, the majority of people will lose interest in it soon, and they will turn there attention to something else just as dramatic. Stuff like this has been going on since the war started. Im surprised the media has taken interest in this lady.

Anyways, I'm just plain sick of hearing about it. It's all over the news. I just don't get why that women and other people let the war have so much affect on them. Why don't they let it go, support what's going on and shut up?

Absolutely, man! Ignorance is strength!


The war was an unjustified one in the first place. The US policy is not driven by an urge to "HELP other countries" but based on their own interest. This incident is just a fraction of things the US is suffering and will be suffering as a consequence of this unjustified war. Why don't you people just let it suffer, support what's going on and shut up?

Does it matter of what interest the war is in? I'm guessing you would rather see millions of people being tortured and hung from soccer goal posts, but you are entitled to your beliefs.

Does it matter of what interest the war is in? I'm guessing you would rather see millions of people being tortured and hung from soccer goal posts, but you are entitled to your beliefs.

Oh, are you talking about Rwanda or something? Oh wait, we didn't do anything there.

Oh, are you talking about Rwanda or something? Oh wait, we didn't do anything there.

Yes. There are ESTIMATED figures of around a million. Some think around 500 thousand, some more, and some less. But I guess it's like asif said, why don't we just leave them alone, shut up and let them suffer. I mean, if those stupid muslims freaks want to kill each other then fine...Hopefully they kill themselves out..Do the world a freaking favor.

Please refrain from the use of abusive, intolerant and downright offensive terms in forum discussion. It is simply not considerate to use it in a discussion such as this, where people from all nations, religions and races are members and can join in. Spoken in private, such language and terms is offensive enough. Uttered in public it is inexcusable!

Server Crash, you misunderstood my point. I did not say that Iraq should be left alone. The reconstruction of Iraq is a must and even though it's lead by the US the process is supported by all the other countries in the UN. People were against the war but are not against the reconstruction. However, since the US and its allies are responsible for creating such a crisis in the first place they should carry the burden more than anyone else and will suffer tremendously (as is suffering) in the process of doing so. When i said why don't you people let it suffer, I meant let US suffer, not Iraq.

And as for offending me or my belief, I believe that a person can only degrade his own soul by trying to offend others intentionally.

Sorry for that comment. I get out of hand sometimes and can't control my mouth. :sad:

Anyways, I'm not sure what you mean by people were against the war but for the reconstruction...Wouldn't some means of force be necessary in such a situation?

That simply means this:

1. Many people believe that the war was unjustified and should not have been fought. There were no WMDs, remember, and the war was only marginally "against terrorism".

2. Regardless of whether someone believes that the war was justified or not, the war has been waged and a country left in ruins as a result.

3. Now that it has happened, even those people who did not consider the US and its allies to be justified in wagaing war will agree that the US, its allies, and the rest of the World has a humanitarian obligation to remain there in a peace keeping and reconstruction role until such time as the country can again stand alone.

Worse than pointless. Active support for your nation's enemies is treason. Treason in times of war is typically dealt with rather quickly and decisively. The fact that the US isn't doing that at this time shows they've become weak and are an easy target (at least that's how the terrorists and their symphatisers like this woman will argue).

Her actions also sully the memory of her son in the extreme. That's not the act of a mother, it's the act of a traitor.

This has to be one of the most rediculous comments I've seen directed at this woman. Treasonous? Yeah, right. Treasonous is Bush's cover-up of September 11. Treasonous is Bush intentionally disregarding warnings from multiple countries of an impending attack by Al Queda.

Freedom of speech is one of the things that makes this country as great as it is and it blows my mind that these so called patriots who support our president can be so hypocritical as to call people who use this constitutional right as giving aid to our enemies or accuse them of being communists. Bush has done more damage to this country than Al Queda has and it's really sad that people have their heads buried so far up their ass that they don't realize it.

It's rediculous our that we'll impeach a president for a blow job, but yet we let this jack ass for a president lie us into a war and anyone who speaks out against him is accused of treason.

Freedom of speech is important. Once you take that away then other rights can be taken away. Anways, I guess it's stupid of me to bash this women for speaking out, but I do feel it's a little extreme the way she's doing things.

It's like Cat said, it's done, it's over with.
No matter what the reason for war was, hopefully something good will come out of it. We have to stay there wether people like it or not because leaving a nation in anarchy is worse than a dictator. People choose order over anarchy which is why iraqies wanted sadam back at first. Maybe a new peaceful nation can arise from all this, but who know what will happen.

Justin, you're completely out of touch with reality.

Your assertion that the US government themselves blew up the WTC just to have a reason to invade Iraq is just too stupid to even contemplate for example, and comes directly from PLO textbooks.
The rest of your arguments make no more sense...

SC, it's not stupid to bash the bitch (nice alliteration :) ). She deserves no better, dishonouring the memory of her son like she does (she's no better than Hanoi John Kerry calling his crewmates warcriminals, in fact she's worse).

Did you know that there are less people killed in Iraq now each day due to violence than there are traffic victims in New York on the same day?

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