it's too late and i just switch on the PC just for daniweb ;) But what else can i do on daniweb when i don't have any doubt to ask ? :(

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Help other people in need!! :)


Help other people in need!! :)

Unrelated to the actual post but not to Dani's comment. Front page story in Winnipeg this week was about a 38 year old Winnipeg Transit bus driver who stopped his bus when he saw a barefoot homeless man on the sidewalk. The driver talked to him for a couple of minutes, then gave the homeless man his shoes before getting back on the bus to continue his route in his socks.

it is too late to apoligize. :D

Its never too late for an apology.

That was so kind of the bus driver to help the bare footed man with his shoes. I doubt if there are enough good hearted people like the bus driver left in the world who would help others at the cost of troubling oneself.

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