Generally people sit in front of computers for a long time which results in eye strain. We indeed forget to take a break. So here is a good freeware called FADETOP which reminds you to take a break after every 15 minutes.
However you can change the default time. You can download it for free from the below link


How needs breaks? Any good programmer worth his/her salt can spend 24/7 at the computer.

commented: Fer sher. +0

How needs breaks? Any good programmer worth his/her salt can spend 24/7 at the computer.

@Ancient Dragon

Haha..Yes ofcourse , after all our entire lifes are dedicated to computers

Its not about good progrmmer or bad. Its all about our health and our eyes. Even I sit in front of computer 24/7 eventhough my eyes are bursting because my passion is all about computers.

PS: See instead of "who" , you wrote "how" in your post. You need a break to relax yourself.(#just kidding) And i am sure , we can avoid the use of spectacles atleast if we take breaks regularly and maintain good hygiene :)

close your eyes~

I've been in front of a computer since 1989 :D

I don't need a program to force me to look away from my screens every 15 minutes. The end users interrupt me enough anyway.

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