I'm bored! What are some activities to do from home while continuing to shelter in place?

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Some of miserable ideas are:

  1. My friend was in Quarantine for two months- he pulled clothes from a suitcase and ironed them then put back into the suitcase. He was totally bored.
  2. Create music/remix a boring song in FL, create a computer game, write a diary, write a letter to your future self, dance.
  3. Do some house cleaning or remodeling of your home, create a custom closet, refurbish walls.
  4. Create an automated device like "peel and cut the onion" or "self following suitcase".
  5. Have sex and introduce new techniques. Requires a partner without Covid-19.
  6. Just play some video games.
  7. Call relative/friend/support/someone distant - you will feel much better immediately.
  8. Plant flowers/fruits.
  9. Create a walkie talkie with old phones or create a radio station to broadcast your music.
  10. Make a pie or make dinner - but get away from comfort zone with recipe.

These ideas are not to offend anyone or intended to break the law.

Hello, read books according to your interest and watch crazy movies and have fun

I baked pretzels today. Photo on my Twitter.

We drove home from camp today. Seven hours (and no bathroom break). In the next day or so when I start posting you'll see what I've been doing to keep boredom at bay.

I never ever ever in a bazillion years would have been able to make 2 hours with no bathroom break, let alone 7.

I got your email about new tutorials on the horizon. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to reply to it yet!!

That was while drinking coffee as well. Makes you wonder why I can't make it through the night (pulling an all-nighter has a different meaning for seniors).

I posted the first project (a smallish one) as a code snippet multi-timer application. More to follow.

Don't worry. I can't make it through the night either.

Thanks for all the new content!!

Thanks for all the new content!!

You are welcome. I have a couple of finishing touches on the tutorial text (I have to create some new screen shots) and then I'll be posting

  1. A tutorial on using python/wx as a front end (wrapper) for VLC Media Player
  2. Creating a video library front end using the previous project as a basis

Sounds awesome. I think we’re going to be possibly migrating to a different editor this upcoming week sometime. We’ll see if my plans work out.

In the meantime, I made edible cookie dough today. Yum!

commented: Cookies! +0
commented: The word "edible" is redundant. Also the word "sugar" in sugar cookie. +0

Well there ya go! That answers the emoji question we were chatting about. The email notification I got included a cookie emoji but clearly it’s been stripped away on the site.

Will be fixing that this upcoming week.

The word "edible" is redundant.

Edible cookie dough is raw eggless cookie dough that is meant to be eaten as is without baking. (You do, however, heat the flour on its own to remove bacteria and make it safe to eat.)

I did not know that. My wife and I always sample the cookie dough before baking. Never had a problem. Of course, I grew up on a farm (vegetables) so pulling a carrot right out of the ground and eating it was no big deal. I probably developed immunities at an early age to things that would kill most bubble kids today.

I very guiltily sampled a little cookie dough as a kid as well. The best part was licking the remnants stuck to the side of the bowl and spoon clean as soon as the cookies were sent into the oven.

However, edible cookie dough is eaten by the spoonful (yum!) and completely guilt-free.

Sorry, just to clarify, it’s not guilt-free in the butter and sugar department.

I get to lick the spoon but Cooper get's to lick out the bowl. That's ok. My tongue isn't long enough anyway and the dough gets stuck in my beard.

I guess I meant scrape the sides of the bowl with the spoon and then lick the spoon. LOL

Emoji test ?

commented: That's ? logic for you. +0

We support emojis now. Was in response to a private conversation with rproffitt. Sorry for the confusion.

commented: Thanks again. It's a little thing but nice. +0

Finally posted the VideoLib project that builds on the VLC wrapper. Enjoy. I might be a little tapped out for a bit.

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