Well after seeing this im definitely not going to keep my cell phone in my pant's pocket. :D

I might add, it takes approximately 2 minutes of speaking on a cellular phone for the radiation to cross the protective Blood Brain Barrier. So whenever there is a land line available use it in preference to your cell.

So, Think Smart - Stay Smart!!! :)

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That's funny and informative. I agree, keep your phone out of your pants pockets!

Unless you want boiled meat balls for dinner I suppose.

commented: hee hee.. :D +3

at least im safe. i dont use a phone

(and wifi is 30,000 times less therefore meaning that I can be on daniweb for like 42 days without fear hehehe)

> Unless you want boiled meat balls for dinner I suppose.
YUCK !! ;-)

If your landline is cordless. doesn't it make it just as bad?

The radiation levels were a measurement of when the phone was actively being used for talking. I'm pretty sure that it's significantly less when they're just sitting in your pocket.

That said, there's enough radiation going around from wireless networks, TV and radio stations, cell phone towers, and even computer monitors that we'll probably have enough problems whether or not you keep your phone in your pocket.

We are a result of our own demise.

Unless you want boiled meat balls for dinner I suppose.

That's gross...

Well considering I've never heard of anyone dying, getting a fried brain, or really being hurt at all in this way, I don't see any reason to stop using my cell phone. My head isn't as soft and fragile as an egg. I don't have two cell phones on both sides of my head and I don't talk for 65 minutes. And as said earlier there are so many other waves going around it doesn't make much difference. It's also important to remember that the egg was nowhere near 98.6 degrees farenheit but the inside of your body is a lot hotter than the cell phones could actually produce anyway. To my knowledge no scientists have found it necessary to create new cell phones that wouldn't have this affect. So after all that I think I'll be fine.

I recall watching an episode of "Myth Busters" awhile back where they attempted to prove or disprove the myth about cell phones causing gas stations to blow up. They made many attempts and all failed.

I don't want to get off topic but I'll make a mention of it. I thought it was interesting how they proved on Myth Busters that Ben Franklin could never have done the kite and key experiement during the lightning storm. It's also true that the pump can catch on fire if you sit back in your car. You can build up a static shock and touch the handle of the pump and a big fire can start. We watched it in my driver's ed. class so make sure you ground yourself if you go back in to sit in your car while it pumps.

To get back on topic, when my cell phone was new it did get hot after talking on it for a while but it doesn't do that anymore. Anyone know why?

>> Anyone know why?
maybe your hand got used to the temperature??? Or maybe it just needed a break-in period.

Mmmmm meatballs...

Just kidding, I'm not like that.

I recall watching an episode of "Myth Busters" awhile back where they attempted to prove or disprove the myth about cell phones causing gas stations to blow up. They made many attempts and all failed.

Same thing on brainac. Filled a caravan up with mobile phones and petrol rung them all, nothing. but then, aren't you supposed to answer them?

Probably just needed a break in period then I guess.

To date there has been no scientific findings to support the theory that there is cerebral damage associated with the wave lengths of cell phone transmissions.

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