Hopefully, there are some Monty Python fans here who can help me.

I recall seeing a Monty Python skit in which there was blood squirting all over.

For example, one person played the piano and another person accidentally dropped the key cover down on the player's fingers. His fingers were severed and blood squirted everywhere.

That person, leaned on the shoulder of somebody else, but that person's arm detached and squirted blood all over.

Then the armless guy fell over in pain, grabbed the leg of somebody else, but that person's leg came off and squirted blood.

It sounds gory, but it was actually quite hilarious because you knew it was all being exaggerated (like the vomit scene in "Team America", which made me laugh my head off).

Anyhow, I noticed some Monty Python DVDs available, but they are in plastic-wrapped cases that do not have that particular skit listed on the outside of the DVD case. For example, "The Life of Brian", "The Quest for the Hoy Grail", and "Now for Something Different".

Is the skit I am seeking on one of those DVDs? If not, would you know what DVD would have this particular skit?


The first two you mention are standalone full length movies.
Exceedingly good movies that should really be in your collection.

The third sounds like a compilation of fragments from the TV shows. If the bit you mentioned is on any of the three, it will be on that one.

The third sounds like a compilation of fragments from the TV shows. If the bit you mentioned is on any of the three, it will be on that one.

It is a compilation of skits. It was their first movie but I'm not sure if they were TV bits or not. I don't remember seeing that skit in the movie, though.

Hopefully, there are some Monty Python fans here who can help me.

I recall seeing a Monty Python skit in which there was blood squirting all over....

The skit was "Salad Days"; it was a spoof on both the musical "Salad Days" and on filmmaker Sam Peckinpah. In my version of "The Complete Monty Python's Flying Circus" DVD collection, it's episode #33 on DVD #11.

It won't be on the titles you mentioned; the first two titles are feature movies, and "Now for Something Completely Different" is a movie which is basically a redo of some of the Python's better-known skits (but not Salad Days).

In the frozen land of Nador they were forced to eat Robin's minstrels, and there was much rejoicing.

Thank-you, DMR, for the excellent information. I don't know if I want the complete set just yet, but I now have a skit name.

Thanks lasher511 for the video link.


No problem

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