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The mantra, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people' is certainly true. However, if this is the case, a country like the USA must therefore be full of homicidal maniacs. So how do you sort out the problem? That's right, give 'em guns. As many as they can eat. The problem then goes away... doesn't it?

"Officer, I was not speeding"

"Sorry sir, I wasn't cheating on this test. I was just studying during the test."

I have READ and AGREED with the terms and conditions.

I'm sorry

Your website looks fine on my browser, maybe it's just your browser.

I think most famous lies occur when election days are coming :)

"You are perfect in every way"

"no, I don't need any help."

@diafol - where the US is headed

At the time it was a black/white thing but intolerance of all kinds runs deep.

"I have done that before"

"Of course I have permission!!"

Of course I tested it before deploying... and I backed it up too.

I studied like 3 hours for that exam.

'no, this isn't my fault.'

World famous lies? Hardly. Try

  • It's the Jews' fault (Hitler)
  • There are WMDs in Iraq (Bush)
  • Katrina was the fault of the gays and lesbians (Pat Robertson)
  • Trickle down economics works (Reagan)
  • Trees cause more pollution than cars (Reagan)
  • You could store the yearly waste from a nuclear reactor under your desk (Reagan)

Now those are world class lies. And, yes, Regan was some piece of work.

Lol! haha oh yes! that's one lie ever heard and I experience personally.

Tecknolegy will solve our problems
The check is in the mail
I wont ---- in your mouth
I Love you
I don't Love you

Here are a few great lies:

"God exists." (every power-hungry "religious" leader)

"Lowering taxes on the rich stimulates the economy." (every rich guy who wants a tax cut)

"Genetically engineered foods cause cancer." (pseudo-scientists with an agenda)

"Vaccins cause autism." (convicted fraudster, Andrew Wakefield)

And the more devious "God is on our side".

As for GM foods, my biggest problem is that the companies that make them are blocking legislation (and lying and breaking the law while doing it) that would require nutrition/content labels to identify products with GM content. Whether they cause cancer or other problems (or not), I want to know so I can decide for myself whether to buy or not.

< off topic >

As for GM foods, my biggest problem is that the companies that make them are blocking legislation (and lying and breaking the law while doing it) that would require nutrition/content labels to identify products with GM content. Whether they cause cancer or other problems (or not), I want to know so I can decide for myself whether to buy or not.

My main objection to GM foods is the patenting of crops and all the vendor-lock-in crap that ensues (making it illegal to collect seeds to plant them the next season, because the companies want the farmer to come back the next season to buy a new supply of seeds from them). In terms of health effects, there are many positive effects like less chemical products used to grow them, or their increased content of nutrients in general (i.e., most GMOs are engineered to grow healthier (stronger), which usually results in higher content of vitamins and other nutrients). And all serious studies on the effects of individual health problems they might cause turned up no correlation or negative correlation, and only very dubious studies exist that say the opposite, and not anywhere near being conclusive (thus, the "pseudo-scientist with an agenda" label). Environmentally, there are some concerns in terms of biodiversity, and also the ever-present "playing God" argument, but this is mostly a problem because GE is a much faster way of doing what man has always been doing since the dawn of time, e.g., selective breeding, modifying its environment, disturbing the ecosystem, etc... So, I'm in favor of being more cautious with this technique, and solving the patenting issues, but banning them would have a terrible impact on the world and a negative impact on individual, and making it a "personal choice" to eat them or not is really just an invitation to make it yet another stupid new-age trend completely detached from reality, like the organic foods hype we have today.

< / off topic >

"I came first!"

Member Avatar for diafol

"I came first!"

And you wonder why you got dumped! :)

@Diafol, good one :)

Here is another famous lie that everyone knows about.
"I knew that"

C++ is an easy language.

Life is easy.

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