If at any world the concept of time does not exist, can we ever develop a software or hardware which can communicate with a world where time does not exist ?
I mean to say can we write hardware or software which does not assume anything about time ?

When you are dead all your sensory organs are gone. For those folks who absolutely need a concept of heaven, they will have to come up with an untimely form of communication.

A soul should not take up any space or use time. Ask you rabbi, priest, preacher, or mulla about how this works. Don't forget to give a generous donation too!

If at any world the concept of time does not exist, can we ever develop a software or hardware which can communicate with a world where time does not exist ?
I mean to say can we write hardware or software which does not assume anything about time ?

You can do that right now: Just dial 911 and tell them you desperately need to talk to a world where time does not exist. They will put you in touch with the people you need to see.

(Psychiatrists most likely)

You can do that right now: Just dial 911 and tell them you desperately need to talk to a world where time does not exist. They will put you in touch with the people you need to see.

(Psychiatrists most likely)

Not in Saudi Arabia.

Not in Saudi Arabia.

Lardmeister, do you have an answer to everything? The Saudis and their royal family are our best friends!

Contrary to popular belief living humans can not communicate with the dead, either now or sometime in the future. There is no such thing as a ghost. Why? Probably because Heaven does not contain people in human form. After I'm dead I'll try to post something here to let you all know more about it :)

Okay let me ask it in more technical way, if two world are moving away from each others at half of lights speed, can they never communicate ?

They could. The communications would take a lot longer than they'd like, no doubt, given that the light-lag between the two would be increasing, (I'm assuming light or radio communications in vacuum here, as that's going to hit the fastest possible trasmission) but the worlds themselves could communicate. It'd probably just be a multi-generational project, that's all.

Lardmeister, do you have an answer to everything? The Saudis and their royal family are our best friends!

They are not our best friends. They are not even friends. They are, at best, wary allies who really don't like us at all.

Been there, seen that.


How do you know we are not very intelligent forms of software for some kid to play around with? It would explain why many things in this world are based upon math.

Contrary to popular belief living humans can not communicate with the dead, either now or sometime in the future. There is no such thing as a ghost. Why? Probably because Heaven does not contain people in human form. After I'm dead I'll try to post something here to let you all know more about it :)

If you buy your ticket to heaven from me, I will throw in super communications option, entrance through first class pearly gate, and one free toaster.

Honestly, I am an atheist... but here is a question to answer your question. If you beleive that we can communicate with other universes, than there must be a way to communicate with heaven. Hypothetically speaking.

I don't think we have ever intelligently communicated with other universes yet! The souls of the dead could be right next, above or even inside of you. Presumably they are in the place we keep for them, the final resting place, the cemetery, God's acre, boneyard, churchyard, crypt, potter's field, sepulcher, perhaps cloud #9 or whatever.

I am selling lots of tickets to cloud nine and am running out of toasters.

Bumsfeld, you need to start your own church first before you can sell tickets to cloud nine!

Okay let me ask it in more technical way, if two world are moving away from each others at half of lights speed, can they never communicate ?

The real question is:
If 2 worlds have crossed the Schwarzchild limit (the point of no return when approaching a black hole - once past this limit, gravity is too strong for light to escape hence no comm. out; another way to think about it is that your acceleration is approaching 'c') can they communicate with each. Theoretically they are unable to communicate with across the S-Limit but if they are both within different S-Limits would they be able to communicate. I think this sort of references the different white/black hole/worm whole theories. Good question

God might be more powerful than a black hole, hence communications may be possible.

The concept of no time does not mean there is no communication. Instead, there is no such thing as a sequence of events. Everything is simultaneous (including all of earth's history). The time we experience on earth is a space dimension as seen from heaven.

The big flash (it didn't bang - no sound) is in the center of this four-dimensional space, with all distances from the center indicating time.

@ ancient dragon

unfortuanately i have seen ghosts. but since you obviously have not i am not going to argue the point. its like my my friends believing in God and me not. We just cant see eye to eye.

no longer @ ancient dragon

talking about afterlife. there are some really interresting books out there about it.

the most interesting thing about the best of these are the similarities between books dealing with past life regression, near death experiences and the tibetian book of the death.

now i am not saying that these books are true or that i believe in them. merely that the similarity of the supplied information is worth a thought.

one might be tempted to call them hoaxes or the mental illusions of well meaning people. but when you take a hundred near death experiences and a hundred pas life regressions and the book of death then it becomes a little bit of something. one or two or even ten can be illusion or hoax but not so many.

the point. i am an atheist myself. but we might be wrong to say that there are no soul and hence no afterlife. we only know what is here in this solar system and this galaxy and about other galaxies but no more. consider relativity. i dont want to bring it into a argument for the existence of a soul. all i want to say about it is that to a nineteen century scientist the idea would have been ridiculous. i am of course not saying that religious people are right. in fact if near death experiences and past life regressions are anything to go by then they are dead wrong.

just thought i should add something to the discussion.

as for communication between the worlds; it aught to be impossible. some of these books make it appear as if the living and death realm are two different states of existence. like we see ghosts sometimes but when we try to touch them our hands go straight through. one guy who had a near death experience said that he wanted to communicate with a living being. but she could not hear him and when he tried to touch her his hand just passed straight through. i think that ghosts, for either them or us, is when an entity is in a realm, living realm or death realm, when he should be in the other. something like we were all meant for the realm of the death but being here is some privilage or duty and in order to be here we need a physical body.

Ghosts were an invention of Shakespear and popularized by Hollywood. I'm not saying there is nothing beyond death, just that there is no such thing as ghosts.

Ghosts were an invention of Shakespear and popularized by Hollywood. I'm not saying there is nothing beyond death, just that there is no such thing as ghosts.

like i said. i have seen them. twice in my life.

like i said. i have seen them. twice in my life.

You just THOUGHT you saw them, just like many people believe they see UFOs :) What you saw has some physical explaination such as a shadow, but it was not a ghost. But if YOU want to believe there are ghosts, why not, no harm done.

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like i said. i have seen them. twice in my life.

Your reflection does no equal "ghost."

You just THOUGHT you saw them, just like many people believe they see UFOs :) What you saw has some physical explaination such as a shadow, but it was not a ghost. But if YOU want to believe there are ghosts, why not, no harm done.

Not necessarily true. It didn't have to have a physical explanation, even if it wasn't a ghost.

I am a Christian, a believer on and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. As such, I do not believe that any member of humankind gets to stick around after our appointment with death. In other words, no ghosts. (At least as the term is normally used.) However, I also believe in the existence of other non-physical beings; namely angels, both unfallen ('proper' angels) and fallen (aka demons). And it is quite possible that someone could have a run-in with one of these (fallen especially) and come away thinking they'd had a run-in with a ghost.

I acknowledge that your explanation is a bit more likely, AD, but it's not absolute...except in the minds of those who refuse to admit the possibility of anything beyond the physical.

Ghosts were an invention of Shakespear and popularized by Hollywood. I'm not saying there is nothing beyond death, just that there is no such thing as ghosts.

Shakespeare did not invent ghosts. Check out these Bible verses:

I Samuel 28
Matthew 14:26
Luke 24:37-43

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