jbennet, I had to blow up your avatar to figure out what was behind the muzzle flash (at first I thought it was a Tommy gun) - I can't identify it but it looks like an AK or an AR.

Christina>you - your name implies christina is better than you? is that what you mean?

joshSCH - you look just a little arrogant in your avatar

sturm - is that for Sturm und Drang? Your avatar looks vaguely familiar and somewhat disturbing

'stein - 'nuff said - playful avatar

The Dude - I gotta say your avatar just grates, nothing personal but I just have a thing against smiley faces and, damn, that is one heck of a smiley (grin)

Lasher - that looks like a Dr. Who baddie?

heartbreaker - I wish you would use that tattoo pic for your avatar but that is just me

serunson - a squirrel contemplating a blessed pear??

GrimJack - man that is one sick puppy!

Gotta close up shop no time for more cr*p - don't feel left out

lol...keep em coming....for me...don't diss my F-18...you'll be in big trouble.(look inder the wings)

>sturm - is that for Sturm und Drang? Your avatar looks vaguely familiar and somewhat disturbing

My avatar is from brokensaints. The name 'Sturm' actually came from Dragon Lance, even though Raistlin Majere is my favorite character.

lol...keep em coming....for me...don't diss my F-18...you'll be in big trouble.(look inder the wings)

Umm, your F-18 is really an F-16. Count the vertical stabilizers.

(retired USAF)

Umm, your F-18 is really an F-16. Count the vertical stabilizers.

(retired USAF)

That's 'tails' for you kids who don't know aviation terminology :)

Also count the engines, air intakes, and bullet holes.

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Iam missing in list ;)

lol....typo error...it's the f-18 falcon alright!

Still a typo.

F-16 (sixteen) "Fighting Falcon" aka Viper.

I have no clue when/how/why the Viper name got applied to the F-16, but that's what the drivers will tell you they fly.
Fighter pilots are a strange bunch.

Joke: How can you tell the difference between God and a fighter pilot?

God won't go around claiming to be a fighter pilot.


f-16...bloody keyboard?

Aww, I didn't make the list either.

the name "Falcon" was chosen by a Pentagon comittee, not by pilots. I guess the jet drivers just wanted a name of their own...
At least Viper's more dignified than what pilots call the A-7 and B-52 :)

Christina>you - your name implies christina is better than you? is that what you mean?

The > means not better than you, but larger than you. Maybe she is a real fat and jolly chick!

I am glad I don't have an avatar with air-headed fighter plane on it. Is it supposed to prove your manhood?

the name "Falcon" was chosen by a Pentagon comittee, not by pilots. I guess the jet drivers just wanted a name of their own...
At least Viper's more dignified than what pilots call the A-7 and B-52 :)

What about the F-111? It never got an official name, may be the only plane in modern times with that distinction. Unofficially, the Aardvark (and Spark 'Vark for the EF-111 jammer version.)


yup, that's a classic too. And a darn shame they're gone. The silly idea that the USAF doesn't need them (and especially the Ravens) was IMO a complete mistake.
Having to hope for a few slow, lumbering, overworked, Prowlers to escort your supersonic taskforce of Strike Eagles and Falcons downtown is so wrong it doesn't bear thinking.

But then in the Clinton years thinking was the last thing on the minds of the US cabinet (as it is with most politicians to be honest).

Back to the topic:
Can anyone suggest to me what avatar to use? I am thinking Donald Duck right now.

In the words of our great leader: "Bring it on!"

With the handle you are using, I'm thinking Bill Cosby's "Fat Albert" might be more appropriate.

Unless I missed something in the translation.

jbennet, I had to blow up your avatar to figure out what was behind the muzzle flash (at first I thought it was a Tommy gun) - I can't identify it but it looks like an AK or an AR.

Christina>you - your name implies christina is better than you? is that what you mean?

joshSCH - you look just a little arrogant in your avatar

sturm - is that for Sturm und Drang? Your avatar looks vaguely familiar and somewhat disturbing

'stein - 'nuff said - playful avatar

The Dude - I gotta say your avatar just grates, nothing personal but I just have a thing against smiley faces and, damn, that is one heck of a smiley (grin)

Lasher - that looks like a Dr. Who baddie?

heartbreaker - I wish you would use that tattoo pic for your avatar but that is just me

serunson - a squirrel contemplating a blessed pear??

GrimJack - man that is one sick puppy!

Gotta close up shop no time for more cr*p - don't feel left out

Zandiago - pretty plane - I like the ugly ones - Puff, Warthog, the ones the grunts really want to see overhead

VManes - almost looks like a cat if you unfocus a little (er, quite a little)

TS-98 - everyone things your striking the ground when, really, you are reaching upwards

Jwenting - target or decoy? don't know where to shoot if can't tell which

Twomers - tricky - artic vs arctic, how many could you eat?

Lardmeister - no avatar (shy?) - I know what greater than means but I calls em as I sees em

MOre later

>> how many could you eat?
Put it this way -- if I could eat either a polar bear or a penguin I'd get a penguin and feed it to the bear, wait till he's eaten the penguin and eat the bear. That answer your question?

I was kind of hoping for more of a psychoanalytic approach. :icon_rolleyes: This thread has promise, but right now promise is all it has.

Ah you just want in on the avatar psychoanalysis.

>Ah you just want in on the avatar psychoanalysis.
Damn straight! I love it when people try to analyze me. :)

>> I love it when people try to analyze me.
You're a crazy b...., erm ... lady. ;)

Narue: an old woman waving a chainsaw, maybe is rather cold and wants to make firewood, or go to Texas to kill somebody.

Lardmeister: don't use a duck, that's a pretty stupid bird, you are smarter than that, use something like goofy.

GrimJack: looks a little like the hulk when he is in a good mood.

Ene - Pepe or cherche??

Back to the topic:
Can anyone suggest to me what avatar to use? I am thinking Donald Duck right now.

In the words of our great leader: "Bring it on!"

Waylon Smithers from the Simpsons would be a good match for you.

Analyzing people by their avatars sounds fun. Except mine, 'cause it's unfortunately somewhat accurate :icon_redface:

>Except mine, 'cause it's unfortunately somewhat accurate
Though I doubt you're quite as skilled as BPS. ;)

I hope you're not carrying a chainsaw through the house in real life, miss motherator ;)

Lardmeister: don't use a duck, that's a pretty stupid bird, you are smarter than that, use something like goofy.

Jwenting might give you a ban for this.... :)


Christina>you - your name implies christina is better than you? is that what you mean?

Yes and no. I really couldn't think of a username. And you have it wrong.... it's Christina is greater than you. ;)

The > means not better than you, but larger than you. Maybe she is a real fat and jolly chick!

Greater, not larger. Lol... I'm far from being fat... 5'7" weighing 125 lbs. Although I really should be obese by the way I eat, I just have a fast metabolism.

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