Firstly, let me say that I am REALLY sorry that I am doing this, and I know that the c++ section of daniweb is not the section that is supposed to be used for posting general questions about daniweb... I'm just terrible at finding things.

If someone could give/tell me:
1) a link to rules.
2) the name of a good moderator/other person who could give general help via private message
3) How on earth do you give people reputation points?

Thanks and, once again, sorry.

... found the rules... in bold lettering at the top of the page... :(

Ancient Dragon is an excellent mod, he's helped me loads of times. Rules are stickied at the top of the page. To give rep, right under the persons name on their post it says "Add to Name's Reputation" Click that, and enter a reason.

commented: First to recieve rep from me... A whole 2 points! +2

Thanks bunchies!

Don't expect any mod to answer questions via PM -- we don't. Post all questions on one of the DaniWeb boards.

And I moved this thread to a more appropriate board.

>1) a link to rules.
It's on every page, just below the breadcrumbs and page header along with the FAQ (which people also tend not to read) and the welcome guide.

>2) the name of a good moderator/other person who
>could give general help via private message
If you have a question that can be answered by posting in one of the forums, ask it in a thread. Moderators aren't obligated to give you private and personal help; in fact, most of us will refuse to do so when approached.

However, if you have a question directly related to a specific moderation action or our interpretation of the rules, any of us will be happy to answer through PM (though rule interpretation questions might be better suited to a thread on this forum so that everyone can see). If you have a question about the duties of a moderator, a request to become a moderator, or a complaint about any of the moderators, please direct your PM to me.

a request to become a moderator

Does that happen often? I thought people were asked if they wanted to.

That's what I thought, too.

But then again, looking in the forum archives, I see that Narue became a moderator because she requested the position. I don't think it's a hard-set rule in any case.

commented: Thread digging FTW! ;-) +21
commented: Enlightening post, good to know some daniweb history +8

As forums go, I'd say Daniweb is fairly lax at picking mods -- no offense to anyone (after all, I was one once).

i was approached, but i had dropped some hints in the past that i would like to be one

I see that Narue became a moderator because she requested the position.

Us simple mortals can't get in to Area 51, so we'll just have to believe that Narue asked for the position ;)

>Does that happen often?
No, it doesn't happen often. I know that I asked without being approached, and jbennet made his preference very clear, which was a deciding factor in his consideration. I can't think of any others at the moment.

>I thought people were asked if they wanted to.
Becoming a moderator is by invitation only, but if you want the job it doesn't hurt to make yourself known to us. Otherwise I use nominations by trusted people, or I search for members that meet certain criteria and do a full background check from their Daniweb history.

>so we'll just have to believe that Narue asked for the position
Believe it, because I did. And it started quite the heated debate about whether I was suitable. Quite a good read, actually. I recommend it to anyone who gets access to the mod forum. ;)

And it started quite the heated debate about whether I was suitable.

I think you are perfect for the job. :)

>I think you are perfect for the job.
Well, time has proven that at least the right people in high places agree with you, or I wouldn't be where I am today. ;)

I think that Narue, and in fact all of the moderators do a great job. Especially Peter_budo he is always adding code tags to newbie posts. Nice work !

>>Especially Peter_budo he is always adding code tags to newbie posts.

Depends on the forum you post on. Ancient Dragon and Narue do excellent job on the C++ one.

Yeah I agree entirely with that hammerhead, good point.

Damn, not being visibly active really sucks. ;-)

commented: lol - I've seen you do some great moderation too my friend! +3
commented: You do a great job and I'm happy to share Web Development section with you +8

>Damn, not being visibly active really sucks. ;-)
The best moderators are the ones who are so subtle you never see them working. If I get noticed doing my mod/super mod duties, it means I was too heavy handed about it.

Not necessarily, one can always see the "last edited by Narue/Ancient Dragon, Reason:Added code tags" text. I see that too often.

I know. Take a lok at the reported posts board. Like 90% of the posts are for code tags in the programming boards

I know. Take a lok at the reported posts board. Like 90% of the posts are for code tags in the programming boards

*cough* Salem *cough* ;)
But he's right to mention them ofcourse.

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