How to delete a thread and delete a comment in a thread??

THanks in advance :)

You can't!! Only moderators and admins can!! And they will only do so if the post breaks one of these rules!!!!

ps. Your excessive use of exclamation and question marks is slightly annoying; it's makes me take less serious. Just a tip though.

can i request the moderator to delete an thread i've posted?????!!!!!!

Does it break one of these rules!!!!?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11one

commented: I don't think they get it!!!one1!eleven!! :) +0
commented: Thank goodness you're kidding ;) +0

can i request the moderator to delete an thread i've posted?????!!!!!!

Feel free to report the thread (use the Flag Bad Post button) along with a reason for why you want it deleted/edited and we'll review it. You can always request moderation of any kind, but unless there's a clear rule violation I make no promises that the request will be honored.

Indeed, it should be pointed out that thread/post deletion is the exception rather than the rule...

I had this in mind to ask, thank God i searched.
Also, when a member alerts the administrators on a Bad Post, is there a feedback to such member maybe asking for more reasons why the post was flagged as a bad one letting him know the administrators verdict?

Also, when a member alerts the administrators on a Bad Post, is there a feedback to such member maybe asking for more reasons why the post was flagged as a bad one letting him know the administrators verdict?

Such facility isn't built in the system but the moderator is free to PM the member in consideration and ask for more details if required (mostly done in case of a heated argument). Given that moderators/staff members are more conversant with the rules than regular members, we can pretty much make out whether the post flagged was really worth taking action on. In case there are multiple view points, a thread is created in the moderators forum to discuss the case; nothing too grand. ;-)

Also, when a member alerts the administrators on a Bad Post, is there a feedback to such member maybe asking for more reasons why the post was flagged as a bad one letting him know the administrators verdict?

In 99.9% of the cases the report is handled without any feedback to the poster who reported it. Only in rare cases where further clarification is required do I send a PM.

Hmmmm! actually i feel the member needs to know the feedback so he can be on the same line with the moderators even if the moderators don't agree to his point. This would also help to let the member know what is expected of him before he can flag a post as bad.

This would also help to let the member know what is expected of him before he can flag a post as bad.

This is simple. If a post violates any of these rules, please flag it. If it doesn't, please don't.

Hmmmm! actually i feel the member needs to know the feedback so he can be on the same line with the moderators even if the moderators don't agree to his point.

We do quite a lot of work behind the screens. If we would give feedback on every reported post, this work would almost double. We're all volunteers here and I actually do have a life besides Daniweb. I would prefer to keep it that way ;)

Plus we really don't want reporters to be swamped with details and just let them report things which they find inappropriate. We'll handle the dirty job of deciding what should stay and what shouldn't. :)

actually i feel the member needs to know the feedback so he can be on the same line with the moderators even if the moderators don't agree to his point.

I agree with you in principle. Since the mods are more intimately familiar with the rules, knowing the decision made on a report could go a long way toward sharing that familiarity. However, as already mentioned, there's a matter of practicality. I don't think it would be fair to ask the mods to provide resolution details to reporters for every report, though we do keep a paper trail of actions and reasons, so if you want to ask how any of your reports was handled and why, don't hesitate to shoot one of us a PM.

This would also help to let the member know what is expected of him before he can flag a post as bad.

Don't be afraid to flag any post as bad, for any reason. It's not very time consuming to look at a bogus report and mark it as ignored, and I'd much rather get false positives than let legitimate bad posts go unnoticed.

commented: agreed +0

Thanks Narue.....very well explained and thanks to other admins.

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