Is there a way to see who has the top stats for different categories/pages. For example is there a way to know who was the top whatever in the PHP section.
If it is not there, that should be a new site feature :)
PLEASE TELL ME IF I WORDED MY QUESTION WRONG (it sounded better in my head :D)!
Oh and by the way, is it okay to post in purple? Like i just did now?

Why post in purple? It's annoying, and it doesn't make your posting any easier to read. If what you have to say is worthy then you don't need flashing lights, bright colours, big pointy arrows etc as the content will stand up for itself.


I'd call it: "Top stats per (sub) forum"

Oh and by the way, is it okay to post in purple? Like i just did now?

It's okay, but you're technically not posting "in purple". You're posting with heading tags, which may change their look and feel to be something other than purple. If that ever happens, full posts using heading tags could become unreadable.

Just an FYI, using formatting for purposes other than intended could be counterproductive as the site evolves. We've had issues with that before under vBulletin and code tags for plain text. Dani changed the way things worked and out workaround suddenly broke. ;)

If it is not there, that should be a new site feature :)

It might be tricky to break things down that way, and we try to avoid complex database queries for performance reasons. It's also something of a balancing act to provide enough information to be useful without making people uncomfortable about the easily accessible public information concerning their activity.

However, with that said, if you're interested in specific members you can jump into their public profile and see more detailed stats.

Okay that answer(s) my question.

When posting in heading tags, you're also telling the search engines that everything underneath is more important.

Got it :)

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