I want to edit the line of text below my username below my picture at the left side of this post, the line says "light poster". I want to set it to something custom, instead of forum ranks. Can anyone please do it?

You need to be either a sponsor, team colleague or part of the Daniweb team to be able to set custom titles.

I have heard that you can change your "rank" by giving a donation.

AFAIK "rank" cannot be bought. It must be earned.

AFAIK "rank" cannot be bought. It must be earned.

I wish that could apply to politics too.

AFAIK "rank" cannot be bought. It must be earned.

Default rank. That is, any of the default ranks when you don't have a custom title will be some combination of post count, reputation points, and account age. Permissions for a custom title can be bought by donating, if I recall correctly. At least, that used to be one of the perks of donating, but I'm not in a position to check the code at the moment to cross check my poor memory. ;)

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AFAIK you can have a custom title by donating, however it's not mentioned in the donate page blurb. When I donated a couple of years ago, I was able to change the title.

Even with a sponsor status I am failing to see where it can be edited :)

Don't quote me on this, but if you hit the 'EDIT PROFILE' link at the top of the page and then scroll down towards the bottom there may well be an editable box under the heading USER TITLE if you are a sponsor.

Certainly sponsors used to get this as a perk, and the box is there on my edit profile screen but I say don't quote me as I note that Dani has removed all the 'perks' info from the donate page so there's a chance that the edit box is only still available to me as part of my admin privs...

Don't quote me on this, but if you hit the 'EDIT PROFILE' link at the top of the page and then scroll down towards the bottom there may well be an editable box under the heading USER TITLE if you are a sponsor.

Can confirm this doesn't exist on my page :). Think I remember a while back seeing a post on this topic somewhere and Dani stating it was a feature that was only obtainable through ranks or something now and no longer for sponsors/donators.

so there's a chance that the edit box is only still available to me as part of my admin privs...

As an admin you get all of the bells and whistles, with full permissions across the board. ;)

If there's ever any question about who can do what, we have a permissions table that lists it all out at http://www.daniweb.com/permissions/view. This page is more of a dev utility than something intended for public consumption, but it's fairly intuitive (in my opinion), and available until such a time that Dani wants to lock it down.

Think I remember a while back seeing a post on this topic somewhere and Dani stating it was a feature that was only obtainable through ranks or something now and no longer for sponsors/donators.

After perusing the code for a bit, that seems to be the case. Sponsorship doesn't alter permissions in any way that I can see. Granted I only spent about 5 minutes looking, but I'd like to think I'm familiar enough with the code to know where to look. ;)

To have access to a custom title you need to be an admin, a mod, a staff writer, or a team colleague. But there have been internal discussions amongst the staff and also in Area 51 about ways to sweeten the deal for donating, so the way permissions work now doesn't necessarily reflect how they'll work in the future.

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