
I love dani web its great, however anyone can vote comments/articles down right? I have noticed down votes bieng given for perfectly helpful comments. I recieved one recently when i was legitimetly trying to help. I think some sort of privilege should be needed to down vote comments/articles. Would be nice to see something like this on dani web. What do you guys think? Would it be possible to incorporate into dani web?

  • Mat

Now the policy is just ignore inappropriate down votes, as they have 0 point effect if the giver is not gained respect in form of minus voting power. Also notice that minus power is lot weaker than the plus power of member, in my own case -3/12. Also the DaniWeb is very democratic in giving voting power, consider that happygeek has voting power -2/11, and Dani herself has only -3/15 power.

For example you, even with 117 posts and 93 % post quality, have 0 down voting power.

I see. Thank you for explaining.

I think someone must have been bored and started spamming the downvotes because I got hit too. As pyTony stated, it didn't affect my points in anyway but dang, seeing those red numbers can get to ya!

I agree Stuugie! Its a shame there is no process to get the ones that don't count removed or hidden.

Member Avatar for diafol

AS p notes, there have been countless other threads on this issue. But to wade in regardless...
It seems that it only hurts the ego, BUT your post quality score is a reflection about how 'good your are', so it does seem unfair when you receive unwarranted downvotes. If you look at mine:


My more recent ones seem unwarranted, but I think I fully deserve some of the older ones :)
Swings and roundabouts though. I've been thoroughly useless in some threads but nobody saw fit to downvote me.

One shouldn't expect people to consistently vote on every post one makes, it's really all about who sees it, what their opinion is, and if their opinion is strong enough at the time to make a vote. Further, votes are completely subjective and not restricted to any guidelines (barring personal guidelines the individual voter chooses to follow).

However, it's important to recognize that your votes will trend over time depending on your actual post quality. Those with consistently good quality posts will have an amortized good vote rating, and those with consistently bad quality posts will have an amortized bad rating. For people who fluctuate, the votes should even out over time between positive and negative. If a member is active in the community for a number of months or longer, their overall trend should be reasonably accurate.

Ultimately we all get votes we think weren't fair, but all of these metrics are really just for e-peen points. What really matters is your intangible reputation among the community. There are no numbers for that, it's strictly what everyone thinks about you.

Member Avatar for diafol

Agreed d. Over time it all pans out. In the short term, no obviously, your 'post quality' will vary - perhaps wildly. It may be subjective, but you may encourage more upvotes as your reputation grows on the forum, and regulars get used to your input. You may also find that certain forums will reward you with upvotes and rep for just breathing. Not mentioning which ones, but 'nuff said - I don't post in them, because I'm not clever enough.

Member Avatar for diafol

Just noticed my downvotes - the last 2 years have gone missing?! Have I been forgiven for recent misdeeds? I often have a look at these for a laugh, but they're gone :(

I could always downvote a few of your old posts if you feel like you need a few yuks ;-P

Member Avatar for diafol

I could always downvote a few of your old posts if you feel like you need a few yuks ;-P

Only if it's totally undeserved :)

Member Avatar for diafol

Downvotes would still count though wouldn't they? Even if they were countered? Perhaps not then.

Well i down voted a post by accident, then voted it back up straight away and it seemed to just leave a positive vote on there profile.

I think you are allowed to reverse a downvote that you made.

Yes, you can. You can reverse a vote by clicking on the arrow again.

Member Avatar for diafol

Without wanting to sound as though I care greatly, but...

Downvotes aren't wiped when somebody else upvotes that post say to a 0 standing are they? It's just a bit odd that some of my downvotes from a few months back have disappeared. No big deal, but I just found it a bit strange, that's all. From my downvotes, it seems I haven't had one in 2 years! I'm obviously not trying hard enough. :(

There are two different things here, I think.

  1. Votes: These are the actual point values that contribute to your total up and total down vote counts.
  2. Currently positive or negative posts: These are lists of posts that are currently positive or negative when all votes on the post are taken into account.

If a post that's negative at -1 gets a positive vote, the value becomes 0 and the post is removed from the negative posts list. However, the downvote that put it on the list in the first place isn't deleted; that record remains in the database and still applies to both the post in question and your totals.

Member Avatar for diafol

If a post that's negative at -1 gets a positive vote, the value becomes 0 and the post is removed from the negative posts list.

Doh! Now I understand. OK, that makes sense then. Seems I have a secret benefactor somewhere then :)

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