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Hello wojciech et al. I was wondering if anybody has any issue with using this thread to discuss wojciech_1's issues here? It seems that some of us (me included) have helped to derail legitimate threads by reacting strongly to wojciech's comments and claims. Perhaps it would be wiser and fairer to carry on unfinished business here?

I would start by commenting on wojciech's claim:


I post it here for you to admire -> Our forum... this site was my idea, I was the one who coded most part of it; Im still responsible for core of this webapp.....
Its nothing wrong in criticising, as long as its well-deserved.... and in this case it was well-deserved. Instead of asking whats wrong with us you should ask what was wrong with him, what made him not accepting criticism. Would be more accurate here.

One member of the community thought that the site was amazingly mind-blowing and gave you your first positive rep. Well done. So, promptedd with this, I decided to check it out. Wow! That is an amazing looking site and I'm very, very impressed. Unfortunately for me it's in Polish and even with Google Translate at my beck and call, perusing it and providing valuable feedback would be very difficult. Not criticising that it's in Polish you understand, just a shame my linguistic skills aren't up to it.

However, when I checked the site, I found no mention of "Wojciech" or "Lisik" or anything. All the credits seem to be listed for some "Adam Boduch". Is that you under a different name?

I mean, it would be a very strange person indeed that would claim to have been the driving force, main coder and ACP whizz behind a site if that were not the case. In fact that would be a 'liar'.

No its not me - Adam Boduch is co-owner of 4programmers and he is head admin. My nick is not mentioned anywhere, and you will not 'see' and interact with me unless you are an admin; Im responsible for technical (strictly) aspects of website. Thats why I mainly login to admin control panel. My activity on frontend is rather at low level.

Its in Polish as our goal is to reach as many Polish IT professionals and IT wannabe's as its possible. But - of course - if you like to join - feel free to do it :)

commented: You really are a troll! +0
commented: sad to the end... +0
Member Avatar for diafol

I would if I could. So you and Adam co-wrote this?

Member Avatar for diafol

Ok. I'm sorry to say wojciech, that I have a little confession to make...

I stated on another thread that I deleted a PM you sent me without reading it. This was not the case. I read it and smelled a rat. I just wanted you to post your comments to the general community so that you would expose yourself without being able to accuse me of making things up. I am not proud of the deceit, as I hate lies, even 'little white' ones. So in your own words:

I post it here for you to admire -> Our forum... this site was my idea, I was the one who coded most part of it; Im still responsible for core of this webapp.....

I took it upon myself to contact Adam Boduch, the main admin - a man that would obviously know who you were - to see what he had to say on the matter.

Here's a screenshot of our conversation from


If you can't read Adam's reply, it states:

No, this is NOT true. I do not know this person. Whoever he is, he's definitely lying.

So you see, you have now been exposed to the entire Daniweb community for the liar that you are. If you have any shred of humility, you will now remove yourself and your obnoxious comments forthwith from the site we all love. I would assume that an apology to Dani and the good members of Daniweb may be beyond you, but there again, I've been wrong before. Perhaps a forum such as would welcome you? Probably not.

Thank you.

commented: Dammit! I already sent such mail (in Polish) and then I scrolled down and... oh well... just one more email written. +0

Ooh, forum drama.

grabs popcorn

commented: lol +0
commented: *passes coke* +0

liar liar pants on fire :D i came here from 4programmers to watch this thread, we have trolls too ;)

commented: Jacek, you missed a lot of "rofling". +0

I have a feeling that WojTroll will go quiet now...

I have a feeling that WojTroll will go quiet now...

Or create another account in the hope that we won't be able to tell (which we most certainly will).

I'm very happy that I cannot grasp the reasoning behind why some people crave attention and worth, and try to gain it through lies and deception. If I did, I might be one.

If such people put as much time and effort into learning and improving their skills, it's possible that they could achieve the things they fantasize about.

I can only imagine that a lifetime of inadequacy and rejection might lead a person down such a path.

I do not mean to offend, just help the poor soul, in the hope they will heed the feedback, and go on to prosper in an honest life of truths and reality.

Best of luck.

commented: Yes +0
Member Avatar for diafol


I agree totally. Any moment of "aha!" I had was very short lived and it has been replaced by a real feeling of sadness and I feel a bit rotten for "outing" him in such a fashion. I sincerely hope he finds the happiness for which he craves. However, I hope this experience will motivate him to expresss himself in a more positive way. He was obviously a clever guy, but ultimately deluded with regard to his own abilities.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Great detective work!

One member of the community thought that the site was amazingly mind-blowing and gave you your first positive rep.

Hmm, I guess I should have added the 'sarcastic smiley face' when I did that.

Hmm, I guess I should have added the 'sarcastic smiley face' when I did that.

Not to diminish the qualities of the forum though, it seems very well designed. Though I haven't used it enough to say that it's solidly functional, I'm confortable making that assumption in this case. Props to the real developers. ;)

diafol, you are a troll slayer! As happygeek stated, he'll probably go quiet now that he's been exposed for the fake that he really is.

commented: Thanks +0
commented: ♫ Get on my horse! My horse is amazing! Where is he now? He's over there grazing. Shut up, woman, get on my horse! ♫ +0
Member Avatar for iamthwee

I agree totally. Any moment of "aha!" I had was very short lived and it has been replaced by a real feeling of sadness and I feel a bit rotten for "outing" him in such a fashion

Strangely I've noticed the amount of noise a person makes is inversely proportional to their brain-size.

The really sad thing is this is how some people, grown men and women get their orgasms. I mean, I'm laughing, because no doubt this guy still lives with his mommy -disconnected from society in general, but it is more an uncomfortable laugh born out of pitty.

RIP wojcheivjdksljsl

I guess he got his jollies!

Member Avatar for diafol

Not to diminish the qualities of the forum though...

I think iamthwee mentioned "sarcastic" with regard to believing woj was the brains behind 4programmers, rather thaan the quality of the site itself - which IMO looks pretty amazing. Correct me if I'm wrong Iamthwee.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

To be honest Diafol, it was the latter, (quality of the site). But seeing as woj isn't the author I guess I have to tread carefully. It's nothing more than forum software, however, if built from scratch, then yes I'd say it was a good job.

I've been building a vanilla forum software for my cms ignitedcms and I appreciate the hard work involved. Just integrating a rich text editor is no mean feat. And then there's actuallly getting ready for a production environment, with user login/signups.


Member Avatar for diafol

Ah, well, my mistake then. I think building a good looking forum site with extended features, whether built on forum softwware or not, is quite a feat. You can usually spot an off-the-peg / default theme site a mile off.

@diafol - Superlatively awesome work.

commented: Thanks +0
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