Sorry for the intermittent downtime over the past few days. We think we were being DDOS'ed, perhaps unclear.

However, we've upgraded to new web servers tonight, to bring HTTP/2 support and finally move from PHP 5.x to PHP 7. A few years late, I know.

Let me know if anything isn't working as it should!

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Anything? How about the US Government (Congress), US Immigration, Climate Change and US Health Care system? Can you fix those too? ;)

I said let me know if anything isn’t working. I never said anything about being able to fix anything.

Thank you for your bug reports. They will be looked into.

commented: Nothing new broken. Seems as good as before. About climate change, that's all of us doing our part. +0

Testing IP Config

Today I noticed most if not all posts (only checked out 10) today report an IP of

At first I thought we had a spammer but now it looks like a bug.

Sorry about that. That was a bug from the migration we discovered late last night. Unfortunately, there were some serious repercussions as a result of it, where everyone who attempted to post yesterday was flagged as a spammer. It should be under control now.

commented: Thanks for the explanation. Otherwise I would think these folk were all spammers. +0
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