One question... When using "search" what exactly does it do? I find alot of the time it comes up with irrelevant results. Just wondering.

Slade :) :D

slade, you should feel lucky, I click on the search button and get nothing, nada. :cry:
sorry, if I right click on it and open it in a new window or tab, the search feature shows up, my bad

One question... When using "search" what exactly does it do? I find alot of the time it comes up with irrelevant results.

You can see what the default search settings are (and modify them) by clicking the "advanced search" option.

In terms of coming up with irrelevant results, that's often a case of using too "loose" a search criteria. Remember that you can often use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT, +,-) as well as quotes around phrases to refine your search.

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