I try to make my code conform to no more than 80 characters per line. It seems that that may be near the chosen maximum number of characters before a horizontal scroller is used.

In this particular example, the line is exactly 80 characters:


Can the code box width be adjusted to support an 80-character line without adding a horizontal scroller?

And in the Printable Version, the box seems smaller yet. Could this also be made wider?

[edit/aside]Could that unnecessary extra line or two also be ditched?



















Yes -- not to mention the copy and pasting of code from my IDE to the WYSIWYG window results in scroll bars even when the 80 column limit is respected.

It would be nice if the changes were done, though have managed it till now, so wouldn't be a problem if a decision was made against it....

And if it were going to be so, this change I would prefer to be retroactive (as opposed to other changes that were retroactive that I wish hadn't been) -- to "fix up" old posts (as opposed to other changes that "messed up" what I wrote).

(It seems as though viewing the Printable Version of this thread is different than older ones.)

I try to make my code conform to no more than 80 characters per line. It seems that that may be near the chosen maximum number of characters before a horizontal scroller is used.

In this particular example, the line is exactly 80 characters:


Can the code box width be adjusted to support an 80-character line without adding a horizontal scroller?

And in the Printable Version, the box seems smaller yet. Could this also be made wider?

The width of the area is set up in pixels, in this case, 540 pixels. It is currently set up to be as big as it could be to accomidate being quoted, which you could imagine is done quite often.

The reason that less characters were appearing per line in printable code snippets was because it was still 540px, but the font size was bigger. I've fixed that bug.

I'll also look into seeing what I can do about shortening the indenting so that a larger code area can still be quoted and still fit.

The width of the area is set up in pixels, in this case, 540 pixels. It is currently set up to be as big as it could be to accomidate being quoted, which you could imagine is done quite often.

The reason that less characters were appearing per line in printable code snippets was because it was still 540px, but the font size was bigger. I've fixed that bug.

I'll also look into seeing what I can do about shortening the indenting so that a larger code area can still be quoted and still fit.

Since by default quotes don't nest (such as this reply), is that for one level of quoting only? At some typical width? Hm.

Elseweb I remember the site considering such things and I think they chose to ditch a horizontal scroller and let the width grow with the user' browser preference. Actually I think they ditched both horizontal and vertical. I like that a bit better actually. Perhaps it may make the Printable Version work easier too.

I don't know whether of not the Printable Version chops long code fragments -- which would be a disservice to those who would like to print a hunk of code they found value in.

The H&V scrollers don't do much for me, I guess. To me they make the code a little more difficult to try to read.

But thanks for the bug fix.

Elseweb I remember the site considering such things and I think they chose to ditch a horizontal scroller and let the width grow with the user' browser preference.
The H&V scrollers don't do much for me, I guess. To me they make the code a little more difficult to try to read.

Is dislike those that grow. I find too many people like to put 100 (even 200+) characters on a line and it widens the entire thread so every post has to be horizonally scrolled. It's just too hard to read. I agree the standard should be wider than it is, though.

And the way cprogramming does it makes no sense at all. The different sizes for the left box looks so sloppy. I didn't like it when they switched to that fomat.

I like it.

And the way cprogramming does it makes no sense at all. The different sizes for the left box looks so sloppy. I didn't like it when they switched to that fomat.

Are you kidding me? That's the worst update they've ever done to vBulletin! It looked fine before, but now not only does the left box change, it's different everytime I reload the page! :mad:

I mentioned this in the "bugs" section, but they didn't pay much attention to me.

What I am planning on doing is altering the way that all Quote and all Code boxes look to have a smaller margin, to make room for a slightly larger code snippet area. Would this work for everyone?

Also note that printable views stretch out:

Fine with me.

Is dislike those that grow. I find too many people like to put 100 (even 200+) characters on a line and it widens the entire thread so every post has to be horizonally scrolled. It's just too hard to read. I agree the standard should be wider than it is, though.

I thought it just right-extended that post(?).

Yes, it makes a bad post look bad -- but in a different way. But in that same way, the horizontal scroller makes code difficult to navigate through. To each his own, but I first fell out of disfavor of scrollers on DevShed. To me they sort of set an "auto-ignore" flag.

With bad styles, it just looks bad: code tags or no; scrollers or no; bad stuff just looks bad. Without them, though, stuff that's too long looks too long; stuff that's too wide looks too wide -- I'd rather see that sooner rather than later.

On the other hand. With scrollers, good code and style can -- in my opinion -- be rendered to look bad. So for me, its a lose-lose with scrollers: bad code still looks bad, good code may look bad. FWIW.

And the way cprogramming does it makes no sense at all. The different sizes for the left box looks so sloppy. I didn't like it when they switched to that fomat.

Yeah, that's a bit annoying. But frankly the left-user-info helps get more posts to a page, which I prefer. Here its constant scrolling down for me, especially since I have a particularly nasty case of the ad-bouncies going on with my rig. Even just now slow reaction caused me to click something other than what I was hovering over before I clicked a button -- and ended up with the wrong button/link.

Code and quote boxes have been changed.

Yeah, that's a bit annoying. But frankly the left-user-info helps get more posts to a page, which I prefer. Here its constant scrolling down for me, especially since I have a particularly nasty case of the ad-bouncies going on with my rig.

Having the userinfo up top is not any more scrolling than having it to the left. When the userinfo is to the left, the column containing the actual post content is narrower, making posts take up more lines. Therefore, inevitably the final product is the same length. I like having userinfo up top because it does make the posts have more width, and the fewer line breaks there are, the easier it is to read.

Code and quote boxes have been changed.

Yes they have. And I think I like it! Just have to get used to it without the code box.

I like having userinfo up top because it does make the posts have more width, and the fewer line breaks there are, the easier it is to read.

I agree. And since I use a window width of 2/3 screen width, it works out well. Any narrower and I'd probably have to increase to 3/4 or (ghod forbid) full screen, which I would prefer not to do.

Having the userinfo up top is not any more scrolling than having it to the left. When the userinfo is to the left, the column containing the actual post content is narrower, making posts take up more lines. Therefore, inevitably the final product is the same length. I like having userinfo up top because it does make the posts have more width, and the fewer line breaks there are, the easier it is to read.

I guess I'm just seeing things then. But I consistently see 2-3 times as much in a thread the other way. And I see it wider as well.

Hm. Wierd.

It's not fair to compare us vs cprogramming.com because we have a sidebar and they don't which occupies space. What I'm talking about is if you take the exact same amount of space and just move the userinfo to the top versus the side. Also, we have more line-spacing between lines for easier readability.

It's not fair to compare us vs cprogramming.com because we have a sidebar and they don't which occupies space. What I'm talking about is if you take the exact same amount of space and just move the userinfo to the top versus the side. Also, we have more line-spacing between lines for easier readability.

Sorry. It was just the best example I could possibly give.


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