Hi my name is Jennifer I am very new to the world of web. My children have grown up and moved out and I decided to pick up some web development classes. Sometime I get loss in the world of code and sometimes I actually understand it. There are so many intellengent young people that are in my class and sometime I feel like the old lady who is trying to understand.

Hi Jennifer, welcome to DaniWeb.

HI hapygeek, thanks for having me.

Hi Jennifer, welcome to DaniWeb.


Thank you happy to be here!


Hi Jennifer...Welcome to Daniweb Friend :)

Hi Jennifer,
You are never too old to learn.
Welcome, by the way.

Thank you very much, I believe that too. But these young students are putting me to shame.

Hi Jennifer,
You are never too old to learn.
Welcome, by the way.

Glad to have you here!

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