I m Kushika Gupta. I m pusuring my b.tech from Ambala Gni.

Welcome Kushika. Have a wonderful time here at Daniweb.

i din't know anything about DANIWEB. Can you please help me here how to use it.......

can u be my friend..??
With regards

Hi Kushika, good to have you here... and best of luck with your studies... just wanted to sure... b.tech means Bachelor of Technologies....

Hello Kushika!!
Welcome to Daniweb..
Hope you have a precious time here.

Welcome kushika, have a nice day,
you will find friends here.

Heloo my frnd..............
Thanks for your scrap..... May i know u???

Thankyou so much.... I m a neew user here. So i don't know anyhting about DANIWEB.....
May i know u???

Thankyou so much.... I m a neew user here. Yaa i know about b.tech... I'll get masters in i. hat's for sure... May i know u????

Hi Kushika. If you want to be friends with another member here on Daniweb, click on their name, say for instance I want to be your friend, I will click on "Kushika" on the left. This will open that members profile. You can from there send them an invitation to be your friend by selecting 'Send Kushika a personal message". The member will then decide to accept you as a friend or not. This is very similar to facebook.


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