Lucaci Andrew 140 Za s|n

I've seen that it's a custom here to present yourself if you are new to Daniweb.
Well, this is my laime attempt on doing such:

Name: Lucaci Andrew
Age: 19
Primary role: Currently, I'm a student of Babeş-Bolyai University Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, from Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Main interests: Learning more about programming, IT, and all the stuffs @ them
Hobbies: (a)Music(main): I'm an ex-artist/co-artist with IT, if I can say so, being a pianist for over 12 years now, still playing, but not on a high level anymore. Also playing on guitar (and all of its derivations), drums (+bongos+mongos), Blockflöte and some more. (b)Developed 'strong feelings' for snowboarding @ the age of 15, now I travel a lot throughout Europe for ski slopes. (c)As any1 expected, I like to play on the computer also, interested more in strategy games (like AgeII/AgeIII/Starcraft with all its derivations/Warcraft with all its derivations/Command and Conquare with all its derivations) but I also like First-person shooters (like Battlefield, all of them, Call of Duty, but especially, Counter-Strike - being my favorite game since its release on the market), Wow (included in the Warcraft part) etc.
Future plans: Growing into knowledge of programming, but of life itself also.
Physical appearance: Since I'm from Europe, I'll be putting this on 'our language':
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Eye color : Blue to Green (mostly blue as my friends say, well don't care much about it, I'm not that of a mirror person... heh:D)
Hair color: Blonde
Hair style: Mostly long and curly

Well, there are much more to add to this description, but I think it's enough for now. Hope everything goes swell here, and I'll find my place among great programmers.

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