Hi each & everyone,

I'm not new here, I've been registered some 9 years ago, and since I've been busy elsewhere I haven't use this forum since then.
But since I've decided to learn C++, I've thought it could be good to comme back in this community to share and ask questions.
So as I'm coming back, I'd like to reintroduce myself for those who don't know me and those who have forget about me.

I'm Stéphane, a french programmer, beside computers and development, I like nature, sport, music, CGI works (I use Blender, Godot, Inkscape, etc) and many other things.

Over all, my main interest in life is in spiritual things as I'm christian (but keep calm, I'm not here to push my faith on anyone).

I live in a very beautiful place in France, a national park called Vercors(*) which has been a strategic and important place for resistance during WWII.

Recently I've discovered (while watching vids on youtube) that I'd like to learn skydiving. I hope that one day I could make this wish come a reality...

Theres' so man thing I could tell in addition about my various passions (like space & univers, science (and particularly Physics), History, linguistic...), but I'm not going to write a biography.

If you have quesions, please feel free to ask & talk with me, I'm french, so I'm an elegant, classy, and smart person... >< you'll love to chat with me.

Have a nice day/night, and see you sson in some discussions!

(*) Vercors: https://www.google.com/search?q=vercors&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk01Vbk8fp-5DMb617q3JeNhlo1e6xw:1592817224791&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjnIDHipXqAhULxoUKHbuyADAQ_AUoAnoECB0QBA&biw=1366&bih=663

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All 3 Replies

Welcome. Your English is amazing!

commented: Thanks a lot! It encourages me, because I always woder if my english is understandable... According to you, it seems so! Thank you very much! :) +0

Hi there and welcome back!! :)

commented: Thaks a lot Dani! This warm welcome helps me feel at home! :) +0

Hi, noce to meet you here, I'm a gdscript programer. Bye and good look!

commented: Hi Marcio, thanls for the welcome, I appreciate! :) I'm a beginer in GDscript (and n Godot), it may happen that I'll ask you question... +0
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