Hi I am unable to open WMV fully. I can get sound but no picture. I have windows media player 7.,but cannot find an up date for it. Every thing seems to be for MacX, Any suggestions. Thanks Norm.

there is no newer version for the mac

there is no newer version for the mac

Thank you for your reply just as I thought. Regards Norm.

I'm not sure about OS 9, but there is a program available that runs as an extension to QuickTime called Flip4Mac. It's free (to download at least. It might be shareware?). I don't have any problems playing WMVs. I have OS X though, so I'm not sure if they make an OS 9 version.

I'm not sure about OS 9, but there is a program available that runs as an extension to QuickTime called Flip4Mac. It's free (to download at least. It might be shareware?). I don't have any problems playing WMVs. I have OS X though, so I'm not sure if they make an OS 9 version.

Flip4Mac requires Mac OS 10.3.9 or later. It's also worth noting that Windows Media Player 9 is available, but this too requires OS X. Version 7 is about the only way to get Windows Media Player on OS 9.

I'm not sure about OS 9, but there is a program available that runs as an extension to QuickTime called Flip4Mac. It's free (to download at least. It might be shareware?). I don't have any problems playing WMVs. I have OS X though, so I'm not sure if they make an OS 9 version.

Thank you Bondo for your reply. You are right there is no up date for O/S.9 only for X Norm.

Thanks Joe. W.M.Player 7 is all that you can get for Mac O/S 9 Norm.

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