I am stuck! Any help would be much appreciated.

I use Google (XML) Sitemaps Generator for WordPress

And it generates a sitemap:

But the links don't pick up the categories that are used in the address. For example, my page is:

But the sitemap generator misses the naughty office category:

And Google Webmaster tools pick this up as a 404 error. Webmaster tools displays:

Any ideas how can i get Sitemap Generators to pick up the links?

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I saw errors in your sitemap. However, I generated another sitemap for you. I believe it is complete now. Just copy the code below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
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- <url>
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- <url>
- <url>
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- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>
- <url>

Please, don't forget to mark this thread as solved if this sitemap serves your needs. If not, reply and I will be willing to help you the best I can.

Sitemaps are generated with generators based on the links they follow to find a page. If you want to include the category, and especially if the generator is picking up no category; then you should check how your wordpress is configured for displaying links.

If your wordpress plugin is generating errors, try a new generator. Or, you can just use a few of the online ones.

Here is the link to the new wordpress plugin from May. The author's website for the plugin you are using hasn't been updated since last year. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/

Thank you for the replies and the site map.

But as this is a blog I will need to regularly update the sitemap so I am hoping to get a plugin to work and auto generate.

My permalinks use a custom structure that was recommended as good for SEO '/%category%/%postname%/' and I am already using of the Google Sitemaps Generator.

I will look for some other wordpress plugins that might replace this software and update the thread if i am successful.

Yes, I knew your site is a Blog and I just provided a short-term solution. Well, I don't know of any WordPress plugin, as I haven't used it before. If you cannot find a suitable plugin, try to hire someone to develop a customized sitemap generator for you. And I believe it won't be costly.

While you're still looking for a long-term solution, you can be using this Online sitemap generator to update your site: http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/

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