I am buying a domain. What's the difference between all of the (dot) .whatevers? Thank you.

I want to try answer your question Dear...
The simple question here, and i sad theres nothing different off .com/.net/.org/info (much Indonesian Ppl have use this)
And actually the domain function is only for initialisation off your web hosting/server dear...


Technically; .org is for non profit organisations; .com is for companies, and .info is a new one for just about anything informative.

In reality, it's up to you. I prefer .com; because if you type 'example' into some browser address bars; it turns it into http://www.example.com.

Do what I did and get em all :P they are cheap enough if you goto somewhere like godaddy.

They used to have significant uses, back in the old days of the internets, but I think that those specifics have been largely ignored nowadays. If they truly wanted .org for just non profit organisations they would surely restrict the sale of domains ending in .org.

Also if you end up with a popular site, you may have nasty misters buying .net .org and use them for nefarious purposes, which could destroy you reputation - especially if you are a shop.

I think the lease term is different. I think you are only allowed to sit on a .com domain for a year whereas its 3 years otherwise?

Technically; .org is for non profit organisations; .com is for companies, and .info is a new one for just about anything informative.

In reality, it's up to you. I prefer .com; because if you type 'example' into some browser address bars; it turns it into http://www.example.com.

I like your comment brother... and actually its all about some that i have thing to remind for in a Y2K .com has been down dear ? remember ?? But thats not the core.. its all come back to you.. and me as a domainers too have been thing theres nothing different in .org / .net / .info / .org
Its totaly just name, and like an old man said, "what is the name" right ? Lol


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