Hi Guys, I know this might be the wrong catagory for this question, but I think it is the closest, and I really like the people here. So...

I am looking for a stats counter that will tell me the day and the time of day that the most traffic visits my site. I am looking for it to be a free service as well. I have tried both hitslog and google/analytics. Personally I prefer Google. But neither one of them does what I need. Google gives the best information out of any stats software that I have used yet, but I really need to know the peak days and the peak hours of those days.

Does anyone know any service like the one I am talking about here?
Thank you

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Check with AWStats.

ya... I think that is the open source software that I decided to go with and give a shot. Sp far it seem sto do wht I need.
Thank you

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