If your using a free host, would that effect your PR?
If you were using a Paid host would it effect your PR?

I think it depends on the host. Some free hosts add banners, which could negatively effect you, Plus they will limit what you can do with your site, maybe hurting traffic.

The biggest difference would be that free hosts wont give you your own domain, I'm not sure how much of an effect that has on SEO, but it does have a big effect on traffic to your site.

The biggest difference would be that free hosts wont give you your own domain

Agree. Most of free hosts don't have your own domain. The advantage of free host is you can save your money but limited on space. while of paid one, more space and you can do what you want in your site.

Yes go for paid host , in free host your website may not be accessibe 20% time , google will devalue your website.

Paid webhosting is better - no doubts about it - but it doesn't mean that works always well. Remember rule - money talks - and check how many websites and databases is attached to your server, may that is why your web is not server properly even if your website is on paid service. Plus some providers can have strange ideas and ask you for extra money months before contract is off etc.

Maybe a free web hosting company put an advertising on your site which is negatively but it's not the really problem! The really problem is in the name of the used domain. If you are on a free host the name of your website will be depend on the name of your free host company. What's happening when this company going to have a name changing? In this case the works with your webmarketing would be waste of time . . .

Yep, also with free hosting you won't have good uptime and you may miss google bot crawling your website regularly.

The Domain issue is going to be across the board (except with microsoft office live, but they force you to use their templates). But uptime isn't so cut-and-dry. A lot of small web-hosts really aren't good, if you pay for hosting by some guy running a server in his livingroom up-time could be a lot worse than a reputable web-hosting company that offers a free, ad supported, option on the same servers.

When it comes right down to it, if you're actually worried about PR then you must be dealing with a business. In which case the $100 a year for a basic web-hosting plan is well worth the money.

On the other hand, if you were just wanting to post a personal site with some pictures of your cats and a Blog, free would be fine.

If your using a free host, would that effect your PR?
If you were using a Paid host would it effect your PR?

I think there is no connection between free or paid host and pr. It all depends on your on how you gather backlinks for your site.

There's tons of conne3ction, most of which has already been brought up.

1.) free hosts don't let you have your own domain and Olycomputers.ghettohost.biz is bad for exposure.

2.) Google crawler doesn't seem to like a lot of free web hosts.

3.) Free hosts usually make you use their templates, which are ugly, tacky, and unprofessional.

4.) Free hosts are usually slow, and almost always have a tight bandwidth cap.

5.) Keyword SEO is almost impossible using a template system, if you can't put keyword comments on your page you have to put every keyword on the visible site.

I would think that it depend on the host.

There are certain things that no free hosts offer. I agree that things like uptime, site speed, and ugly templates depend on the host. But at BEST you'll get to either use your own site code OR have your own domain (only microsoft, as far as I know). Free hosts make money by getting free publicity from you. If they can't at least put their advertisement on your site they're just giving away a very expensive product... and that company just doesn't exist.

With a free host you will ALWAYS have some form of advertisement for them, either a forced banner at the top/side of a page you design or something worked into a template they gave you to work with. It's just how free hosts work.

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