I moved my old site to the new domain and have parked the old site over the new domain.

Any ideas how to do the proper 301 redirect so the old site redirects each page to the new site.

So: http://dwhs.net/web-hosting-plans.htm
Redirect to: http://webhost.pro/web-hosting-plans.htm

So far I just have:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !=webhost.pro [NC]


In the simplest of "technical definitions", a 301 direct may be a permanent direct from one computer address to the opposite.

For example, if your previous web site was web. awesomeness and you needed to alter it to web. electroencephalographic , you'd implement a 301 direct from the recent computer address to the new one. currently whoever written in your recent computer address (or clicked on a leftover link to your recent URL), would mechanically seem at your new computer address.

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