Hi Guys,

I'm currently in the process of making a website in Photoshop CS3 however my web design/layout is aligned to the left (as I started working from left to right). Is it possible to center my design whilst keeping everything the same within Photoshop/Fireworks? if so how.


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Not entirely sure what you mean. Is the image left-aligned within photoshop? Or is it left-aligned in your web browser? If the latter, I'm guessing you used adobe's html export?

Not entirely sure what you mean. Is the image left-aligned within photoshop? Or is it left-aligned in your web browser? If the latter, I'm guessing you used adobe's html export?


Yes when I preview the design in a web browser (adobe's html export) the design is left aligned, I'm wondering if it's just a case of creating div elements and aligning the whole web page center.

Everything is by default align to the left so if you want to get in middle use centring options

If you use table then align the main table attribute with center value.thank you

i didnt know you can create a website on photoshop cs3.
i knew after you designed the template., you will then
import the design to dreamweaver...


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