I'm am trying to make sure that my webpage comes across conrrectly now that everything is stored on our schools servers, and everything checked out fine yesterday when I was using IE8. Now that I'm here, using IE7, the font face won't come across. These are stored in the server file with the address:




this is the code Iam using in my external CSS:

@font-face {
    font-family: "HARD_ROCK";
    src: url(HARD_ROCK.eot);
.rock {
    font-family: "HARD_ROCK";
    font-size: 80px;
    text-align: center;

@font-face {
    font-family: "Inked";
    src: url(inked.eot);
.ink {
    font-family: "Inked";
    font-size: 30px;
    text-align: center;
    color: black;

and respectively, my HTML code:

<p class="rock"> All About HTML WYSIWYG</p>


<address class="ink"> ....</address>

Any Ideas about what needs to change?

If the computers do not have that font installed on them, they can't use it.

Font is local to the computer. The fact that YOU have the font when you write the page does not mean that the person viewing the page has that font installed on his computer.

Try to stick to the fonts that come with Windows.

The source file you give is a filename, but you are using it as a url. Where is this HARD_Rock.eot file stored? Your relative address says that it should be uploaded with the files onto the server. Is it?

Does the server you are using allow serving fonts?

If the computers do not have that font installed on them, they can't use it.

Font is local to the computer. The fact that YOU have the font when you write the page does not mean that the person viewing the page has that font installed on his computer.

Try to stick to the fonts that come with Windows.

The source file you give is a filename, but you are using it as a url. Where is this HARD_Rock.eot file stored? Your relative address says that it should be uploaded with the files onto the server. Is it?

Does the server you are using allow serving fonts?

The html, css, and eot files are all stored within the same folder on the same folder. I was under the impression that I could use it this way, so that the user didn't have to have the font installed. Using a local file, would allow the browser to call the font as necessary....how else to people supply crazy fonts to their webpages through css?

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