i have validate my web site but i solved themi couldn't find out some problems .

these are my problems and I don't know what are these . can any one help me ?

1- 80: XML Parsing Error: EntityRef: expecting ';'
…v class='font_style up_r_menu' > text body</div> <div style='up_l_me....

2-reference not terminated by REFC delimiter

the url is for tag's a. the problem is = (<a href='the address'> )


post those lines of code, and those immediately before and after,
the validator often finds an error on line 8 if there is something missing on line 7
or there is an ampersand or other entity that needs to be escaped
or there is a character string, in a hash or other, that equals an encoded entity, minus the trailing semicolon
+ it depends on what schema you are validating, html xhtrml

example only not suggesting that there is an error on line 7 of your code

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