I wanted the pointed or hand cursor on my links but it is not working in my IE 6.0. I have tryed both names and still nothing. Anyone have any ideas?

as far I'm concerned pointer and hand cursor is the same, only problem is that hand cursor was "specialy" developed/recognise by Microsoft and no one else does care for it, so this thingy only work for IE.
cursor: hand
Other browsers dispay it as text cursor.
Below you can find a short example of some cursor appearances.

<h1 style="cursor: pointer;">This is my pointer</h1>
<h1 style="cursor: hand">This is hand and it does work for IE only</h1>
<h1 style="cursor: help;">This is help</h1>
<h1 style="cursor: wait;">This is wait</h1>
<h1 style="cursor: text;">This is text</h1>

If you have any other questions I will be happy to answer them.

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