Hi all,

Cek this product tab background. How to create it?

Product Tab

There is no tab in it yet the background seperation look like tab background. Where the gray color looks different from the background.

How to create it?


You can use your browser's editing tools to see how it is built and designed. For example, use firebug to view the source code and see what their background is. Have you tried that?

It's simple. Nested divs with different background colors.

<div class='back'>

<div class='next'>
<div class='inner'>

<style type='text/css'>
.back{ width:100%; height:100% background-color:#CECECE;}
.next{width:80%; height:80%; background-color:#CDCDCD;}
.inner{width:80%; height:80%; background-color:#FFFFFF;}

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