I'm trying to get the data type of a value entered into an input type text field in a form.By using typeof i am getting string always.Eventhough i was entered a number i'm getting the type of data as string.How can i check whether it is a number or not? throw java script???????please reply me.
thanks in advance....

Javascript by it's nature treats everything as a string, certainly all HTML controls that suport a value it will always be a string. Well more accurately everything is an object, and whenever you read that object in your code it tends to be implicitly converted or cast as a string. You have to explicitly cast your varables to a number when you require that behaviour, using the Number(string value) function e.g.

var myNumber; 

    myNumber =  Number(document.getElementById("myTextBox").value);
    if(myNumber == NaN)
        alert("You must enter a number");

you can also consider parseFloat() and parseInt()

Another usefull link:

Thanku very much for ur reply.I'm trying like this but no result its resulted true for every input.can u please tell me wts wrong with this?

           var myNumber; 
         myNumber =  Number(f.age.value);
  if(myNumber == NaN)
        alert("You must enter a number");
  return false;
  }else{return true;}


    alert("you have to fill your age");
    return false;
    {alert("you have to fill your id");
              return false;

      alert("you have to enter name");
         return false;

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