Hi all,

I used to work on DW 4.0

I recently switched to MX 2004 & have had problems with the templates.

For some reason the program won't update all the files associated with that template.

I'm using a .phtml extension & it's already been placed in the extension folder.

Even a guy from Macromedia tried to help, but he keeps telling me he's having no problems while I am.

If anyone can help me, it would really be appreciated.

If you are an expert in templates, different file extensions, editable regions etc. & live in Toronto plus can come to the house to see what the problem is, we can work on a reasonable price. ;)

I can't work like this updating every page manually. It's nuts :(

Thanks & have a great day !

Michelle :)

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Then why not go back to DW 4 if you know it still works?

MX 2004 is a muhc better app for a lot of reasons. Stick with that, learn that, and you will be ahppy you did.

I never used templates because I always used includes for portions of the site I want to be able to alter site wide. Try this ep,

Open a template file
take a portion of it (like the left nav for example)
copy it into a new file (make sure there is no extra code in there like <html><body><title> etc
save that file in a folder called includes or something
remove all your files from the template system
find and replace the code contained in that include in all files except the include itself with a server side include code (if you don't know how to write that, then click in the visual area the include belongs and use the DW menu to insert a server side include
and... viola. You are now using the more advanced method of server side includes to manage updateable elements of your design.

Hi there,

DW 4.0 was also doing the same thing intermitendly & going backwards doesn't help when everyone else is moving forward.

At this point I don't have the time to redo the WHOLE site.

I want the templates to work. That's what I want.

Also just so you are aware, my programmer already took the left nav out & put it into an include.

Thanks anyway :lol:


MX 2004 is a muhc better app for a lot of reasons. Stick with that, learn that, and you will be ahppy you did.

I never used templates because I always used includes for portions of the site I want to be able to alter site wide. Try this ep,

Open a template file
take a portion of it (like the left nav for example)
copy it into a new file (make sure there is no extra code in there like <html><body><title> etc
save that file in a folder called includes or something
remove all your files from the template system
find and replace the code contained in that include in all files except the include itself with a server side include code (if you don't know how to write that, then click in the visual area the include belongs and use the DW menu to insert a server side include
and... viola. You are now using the more advanced method of server side includes to manage updateable elements of your design.

Hi there,

DW 4.0 was also doing the same thing intermitendly & going backwards doesn't help when everyone else is moving forward.

At this point I don't have the time to redo the WHOLE site.

I want the templates to work. That's what I want.

Also just so you are aware, my programmer already took the left nav out & put it into an include.

Thanks anyway :lol:


DW MX is best, what is your workspace in DW MX???

Is it 4.0 WorkSpace OR MX.

Change it to 4.0, so that u can have an normal work on your previous DW.

good point WebHoststalk.

If you have DW MX, you can change the work space to look and feel like DW 4.0. That's what I do, and I love it.

This is true also about the changing your workspace. Also remember that DW2k4 Pro is more advanced then any older DW versions simply becasue Macromedia is going all out. I also can say that I think they are trying to outdo Micrsoft's ASP Applications too as far as scripting goes. Again, Im not sure about that, thats just my opinion that has nothing to do with this topic...um, anyways, yea go back to the olde version if you want it more simpler.

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